
The Countdown

Monday, September 20

On the Mount of Olives, Jesus painted history in broad strokes as He responded to the questions of the disciples: “Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?” (Matthew 24:3).

Jesus’ famous sermon, recorded in Matthew 24, covers the uninterrupted, historical timeline from His days until the Second Coming and beyond.

Jesus wanted to give His people throughout the ages a rough sketch of the divine schedule for end-time prophecies, so that those living at the end of time could be prepared for the ultimate event. He wanted us to be able to rest confidently in His love, even when everything around us was falling apart.

Adventists know well Daniel’s description of “a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation” (Daniel 12:1). Jesus wants us to be prepared for this event, which precedes His Second Coming.

What will His coming be like? How can we avoid being deceived? Read Matthew 24:4-8, 23-31.

Jesus’ coming will be a literal event at the end of time. Considering the space given in prophecy to His return, and even in Jesus’ sermons, this is a big deal.

The last time there was a worldwide climactic event only eight people in all the world were ready for it. Jesus compares the unexpectedness of the Second Coming to that event — the Flood (Matthew 24:37-39). But although no one knows the day or hour of the Second Coming (Matthew 24:36), God has given us a prophetic countdown that we can watch happening in the world around us.

We have been given a role to fill in this prophetic drama. What is our part? Focus on Matthew 24:9-14.

In this cosmic conflict, we are more than just observers. We are to be active participants in spreading the gospel to the ends of the world, which means that we, too, will face persecution.

What does it mean to “endure to the end”? How do we do that? What choices do we need to make every day in order not to fall away, as many have done, and as many will do?