
Aclaración sobre mis comentarios del Pr. Alejandro Bullon y la Virgen María

"Varios amigos mios me han llamado para explicarme que los comentarios del Pr. Bullón sobre la Virgen María no tenian la intención como yo lo interpreté. ¿Será que me equivoqué? Es posible. Asi que aquí explico que hize para poder verificar con el pastor mismo."


Jornal "The Blind Spot" (20/12/2023)

Neste jornal:

- Presidente do Brasil e ministra mentem deliberadamente em entrevista;
- Dubai, a cidade dos 20 minutos;
- New York Times refere que fecho de escolas teve efeitos arrasadores.

- Notícias rápidas:

215 milhões de doses para o lixo na Europa | Meloni refere que a Europa é incompatível com o islamismo | Primeiro Ministro inglês refere que confinamentos trouxeram mais prejuizos do que benefícios | Marta Temido diz que não é altura certa para falar do caso das gémeas brasileiras.


God Can Do Things That Will Blow Our Minds

Join us as we explore the boundless power of God, delving into the miraculous and transformative acts that have the potential to blow our minds. From the miraculous stories in the Bible to the extraordinary moments in our own lives, this video is a testament to the limitless possibilities when we place our faith in the Almighty. Discover the awe-inspiring nature of God's interventions, reminding us that His ways are beyond our comprehension, and His love is unparalleled. Tune in for a faith-stirring journey that will leave you marveling at the extraordinary things God can do in our lives.


Reshaping the Nations: Decoding Project 2025 - Part 2

Have you ever wondered how a democratic government could transition permanently from a liberal, woke agenda to a conservative religious one? Did you know that this is predicted in the Bible? Welcome to Part 2 of Project 2025 - a 900-page guide reshaping the future of the United States government! This important video delves into details and poses questions that may change your perspective on the current political landscape. In this episode we will discuss the intentions of the next conservative administration and the plan to undo radical liberal policies especially those fueled by the Biden administration's climate agenda.

Uncover the plan for the unification of church and state and the surprising revelations about the Bill of Rights proposed in Project 2025. Understand how these events will affect religious freedoms. It's not what it seems.

What role is Israel expected to play in end-time scenarios? Is this a true Biblical interpretation? What does the Bible say about the rapture? Learn about the misunderstood 70-week prophecy in Daniel and how Dispensationalism, Futurism, and the Third Temple came about in current Protestant ideology.


COP28, No Buying Or Selling, Is The CBDC The Mark Of The Beast?

In Episode 184 we discuss recent comments by Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, Glen Beck and other very influential people defining the Mark of the Beast of Revelation 13. Most now speculate that it is the central bank digital currency (CBDC), a global digital currency, or maybe even a global digital identity. But does this fit the biblical definition of the Mark of the Beast? Climate Change is also a hot topic, and at the recent COP28 meeting there were some notable suggestions by Pope Francis. We also look at an interesting "prediction" made in 2012 on the front page of the Economist magazine regarding the Israel and Hamas war. What is in store for us in 2024?

Prophecy Unveiled: No Buy No Sell - The Fourth Industrial Revolution

"... the "No Buy No Sell" system and its connection to the Mark of the Beast. ... the upcoming currency shift, and our generation in prophecy."


Culto Sábado Especial 16 Diciembre 2023

Recomendo fortemente estas pregações do pastor Marc Chambers e do pastor Richard Gates. Prestem especial atenção à pregação do pastor Richard Gates. 🙏


Enacted Parables, Bracing For The Confrontation With Malta!

In Episode 183 we look at some of the many enacted parables in the Bible such as the stories of Abraham and Isaac, Daniel and his friends etc. Real life stories that have a bigger lesson in them for all of us. We also discuss an enacted parable that is still unfolding in our time, and that tells of a tremendous clash that is just on the horizon. Will we be able to brace the winds of the storm until our ship collides with the shore?


Jornal "The Blind Spot" (06/12/2023)

Neste jornal:
- Lobby na União Europeia: a 'teia' da agenda climática;
- Primeiros países a questionar o tratado pandémico da OMS;
- Henri kissinger: 100 anos de pragmatismo americano.

Programa 3x3 ESPECIAL "GUERRA"

Participação de Alexandre Guerreiro, Major General Raul Cunha e o Coronel Fernando Montenegro no painel de comentadores. Temas: A guerra na Palestina | O ponto da situação na Ucrânia | A influência dos EUA nestes conflitos.


The Work Is Great And Few Are The Workers - Homeward Bound

"In Episode 182 we discuss what it means to take the three Angels' messages to every tribe and tongue and nation. God entrusted this most solemn work to us mortals and He knew that it would not be easy. But He promised that He would be there for us at all times, every step of the way.

In this quarry of life we are to be hewn and squared against other living stones in order to be polished and changed to fit us for heaven."

Invitation 2 PRAY - Trailer

We live in serious times. With increasing speed we are heading for the events of end-time prophecy indicated to us. God's people will face fierce challenges in the near future. In order to face this struggle, prayer is needed.

Ellen White describes the need for prayer:

»Pray, pray, pray in faith. There is a God in heaven who pities you and who will help you. Go forward trustingly and in faith, relying upon the Lord’s love and promises.«

We want to invite you, dear friends, to pray.
For this occasion we have produced short videos that we would like to broadcast regularly.
This series is called: »Take Time To Pray«.

Prayer is the best way to connect directly with our Lord and Savior.
Prayer strengthens. Prayer changes. And prayers are answered.
We wish you many blessings in your personal prayers.
We also thank you for your prayers for Clash of Minds and for the strength needed to do this important work.

EGW states: »But it is our work, by confession, humiliation, repentance, and earnest prayer, to fulfill the conditions upon which God has promised to grant us His blessing. A revival need be expected only in answer to prayer.«

God bless you!


Jornal "The Blind Spot" (29/11/2023)

Neste jornal:
- Uma ONG de renome monta esquema fraudulento para denegrir a rede X.
- O "Clube de Roma", os pioneiros na instauração do 'medo climático'
- União Europeia aprova a 'Identidade digital': progresso ou controlo?
- Nature publica estudo sobre imunidade natural


The Right Arm Of The Gospel, Health Reform In The Last Days.

"In Episode 181 we discuss the right arm of the gospel, that also goes along with the three Angel's messages. We take a look at health reform in the last days. Does it matter?"

Pais processam Hospital de São Sebastião (Sta.Maria da Feira)

"É um caso inédito em Portugal, onde os pais de um recém nascido viveram momentos de horror num hospital público. Agora, sentem-se injustiçados, humilhados e traumatizados e vão levar este caso até às últimas consequências."