
Further Thought 21.12.18

Friday, December 21

Ellen G. White, “Individual Responsibility and Christian Unity”, pp. 485-505, in Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers; “Unity in Diversity”, pp. 483-485, and “Church Discipline”, pp. 498-503, in Gospel Workers. Read the articles “Church”, pp. 707-710, and “Church Organization”, pp. 712-714, in The Ellen G. White Encyclopedia.

“Principles of good leadership apply in all forms of society, including the church. However, the leader in the church must be more than a leader. He must also be a servant.

There is an apparent contradiction between being a leader and being a servant. How can one lead and serve at the same time? Does not the leader occupy a position of honor? Does he not command and expect others to obey him? How, then, does he occupy the lower position of being a servant, of receiving orders and fulfilling them?

In order to resolve the paradox we must look at Jesus. He supremely represented the principle of leadership that serves. His whole life was one of service. And at the same time He was the greatest leader the world has ever seen.” - G. Arthur Keough, Our Church Today: What It Is and Can Be (Washington, D.C., and Nashville: Review and Herald, 1980), p. 106.

Discussion Questions:

Dwell more on the idea of a servant-leader. What, if any examples, can we find of this in the secular world?

Read again Matthew 20:25-28. What does this tell us about how God understands the meaning of the word great(Matthew 20:26) in contrast to how the word is understood by the world?

If one of the tasks of church leaders is to preserve unity, what should we do when church leaders falter, when their humanity prevents them from being a perfect example?

Why is it so important that we administer church discipline with a spirit of graciousness and love toward the ones who are erring? Why should Matthew 7:12 always be foremost in our minds during the process?

Summary: Good church organization is essential to the mission of the church and to the unity of believers. Christ is the Head of the church, and church leaders are to follow His example as they lead the people of God. Unity is preserved through the faithful teaching of the Word of God and by living in faithfulness to that Word.