
Further Thought - Friday, May 18

“The man who received the one talent ‘went and digged in the earth, and hid his lord’s money.’”

“It was the one with the smallest gift who left his talent unimproved. In this is given a warning to all who feel that the smallness of their endowments excuses them from service for Christ. If they could do some great thing, how gladly would they undertake it; but because they can serve only in little things, they think themselves justified in doing nothing. In this they err. The Lord in His distribution of gifts is testing character. The man who neglected to improve his talent proved himself an unfaithful servant. Had he received five talents, he would have buried them as he buried the one. His misuse of the one talent showed that he despised the gifts of heaven”.

“‘He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much.’ Luke 16:10. The importance of the little things is often underrated because they are small; but they supply much of the actual discipline of life. There are really no nonessentials in the Christian’s life. Our character building will be full of peril while we underrate the importance of the little things.” — Ellen G. White, Christ’s Object Lessons , pp. 355, 356.

Discussion Questions:

What have been some ideologies and ideals that people have believed would bring about a utopia on earth? What were those ideas, and why, without exception, have all failed?

What is it about obedience to what God tells us to do that strengthens our faith? That is, why is faith without the corresponding works “dead” (James 2:26) ? Considering the kind of trials awaiting those who “keep the commandments of God” (Revelation 14:12), why is it so important for us now to be preparing for what will come when we least expect it?

Think more about the ten virgins. Why should their story be a warning to us that, on the surface and in so many different ways, they all looked and acted alike? How can we make sure we are not as self-deceived as the foolish ones were?

What does it mean that, if possible, even “the elect” could be deceived? What is our understanding of “the elect”? (See Matthew 24:31, Romans 8:33, Colossians 3:12.) What does this tell us about how great the deceptions will be?