
Borrowing and Spending

Sunday March 11

The prophets and Elisha were getting wood by the River Jordan when “the iron axhead fell into the water. ‘Oh no, my lord!’ [one of the prophets] cried out. ‘It was borrowed” (2 Kings 6:5, NIV). The verb “to borrow” means using with permission something that belongs to another. This permission carries risk and responsibility. Borrowed money is no different than the borrowed ax, except that it can have more serious consequences if misused.

The only reason we borrow money is to spend it. The financial risk we take is in presuming that we have the ability to repay and that there will be no financial surprises in the future. Yet the future is unknown to us (Ecclesiastes 8:7); hence, borrowing money always entails a risk.

What do the following texts have to say about debt?

We may borrow money with the idea to use it wisely, but the temptation to spend what we have, even of borrowed money, can lead to some very difficult problems. Indeed, spending borrowed money allows many of us to live in ways that we can’t afford. Temptation to borrow and spend is the heartbeat of a consumer culture that affects the rich and poor. When tempted, we should seek God’s provision (1 Corinthians 10:13), because borrowing can be a curse (Deuteronomy 28:43-45).

Don’t start the bad habit of borrowing money. If you already have, pay it back as soon as possible. We must learn to spend wisely and be masters of God’s money, and not be mastered by the world’s money instead.

Again, there are some situations in which we need to borrow. But it must be done cautiously and with the intention of paying everything back as soon as we can.

What spiritual dangers are there for a person who gets too caught up in debt?