
Armageddon and Mount Carmel: Part 2

Thursday, June 21

Read 1 Kings 18:18-40. What happens, how does the story end, and (without pushing the parallels too far) how does this story reflect what will happen — but on a grand scale — as the great controversy climaxes at the end of time?

The battle on Mount Carmel was between Elijah, prophet of God, and the hundreds of priests of Baal. (Notice how the evil outnumbered the good.) It was a test to demonstrate who is the true God, the God who created the heavens and the earth, or Baal, just another manifestation of “the dragon” and another means by which he seeks to deceive the world (Revelation 12:9).

The priests prayed to Baal to send fire to burn up their bull sacrifice. They shouted from morning to noon. "Cry aloud” taunted Elijah. “Perhaps he is sleeping” (1 Kings 18:27, NKJV). The priests worked themselves up into a frenzy. They slashed themselves with swords until the blood flowed freely. Weary and worn they gave up at the time of the evening sacrifice.

Elijah’s sacrifice was soaked three times, and water overflowed the trenches. Elijah prayed a simple prayer to God. God instantly burned up everything, including the stone altar and soil beneath. The power of the true God in contrast to Baal was now unmistakable.

Read Revelation 16:13; 19:20, 21, and compare these texts with the fate of the false prophets of Baal. What do we see here?

Whatever remains unknown about Armageddon, at least for now, we know the outcome: destruction of the enemies of God and vindication for God and His saints.

Read 1 Corinthians 15:1, 2. Though the immediate context is different from Armageddon, what is the point that Paul is making, and why is that so relevant for us to remember, especially in light of what the future holds? See also Revelation 16:15, in which the context is definitely Armageddon. What, together, do these texts tell us?