
The Jesuits & The Counter Reformation - Spiritual Formation

"In Episode 212 we discuss one of the most sinister and spiritually dangerous strategies that satan has devised to counter the Word of God, the spiritual exercises of Ignatius Loyola, and how he uses his agents, the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), to infiltrate the protestant denominations with spiritualism. Heading the Jesuits is their General, also called the black pope. The members all swear allegiance to their General and to the pope obeying like a corpse. What are the implications of pope Francis being both pope and a Jesuit?"


The Jesuits and the Counter Reformation Part II

What is New Age Christianity and where did it come from? How did New Age teachings infiltrate the Christian church? What have the Jesuits got to do with New Age Christianity? How have the Jesuits influenced Christian thought and practice in our day? What are modern-day manifestations of Jesuit infiltration into Protestantism? Is the work of the counter reformation still going on?

Today, the results of the Jesuits’ efforts can clearly be seen. What has happened to the nations that were once Protestant strongholds? Why have the great historic sites of the Protestant Reformation become tributes to icons of Catholicism? Who erased the history of these places and how was it done? What has happened to the message and witness of the Protestant reformers?

In this video, Professor Walter J. Veith looks at the signs of New Age Christianity and connects the dots between the major influencers of society and Roman Catholic ideologies. What do people like Robert Schuller, Oprah Winfrey, Rick Warren and Joel Osteen have in common? Who’s behind the teachings of Willow Creek and other mega churches? Where is Christianity heading?

The icons of popery are back, reinstating the bastions of Catholicism. The world no longer remembers what the Protestants really stood for or against. This presentation explores the impact of Jesuit theology on religion today.


Sábado Especial 14 Diciembre 2024 - Probando la Verdad y Pr. David Gates

Probando la Verdad: Vivir por Fe, una vida de misioneros.

Pr. David Gates: And the Door was Shut / Y se Cerró la Puerta. Sermón bilingue (🇺🇸 english / 🇪🇸 spanish).


Just How Good Was... Colin McRae

Colin McRae is a Rally Legend, if you didn't watch him live, you probably watched him on a games console. No area of rally was left untouched by the scotsman. Colin McRae changed rally forever, bringing millions of fans to the sport and throwing it into the limelight. Colin McRae's driving style and personality inspired many well known names to enter the sport, and to this day, he stands out as one of the greatest drivers in Rally history.


The Jesuits and the Counter Reformation Part I

What is the counter reformation and who is behind it? Who are the Jesuits and why was the Jesuit Order established? What is their role in the Catholic Church? In recent times, Jesuits have become prominent in news reports of significant international events. How do Jesuits fit into current world events? Are the Jesuits still relevant?

The great Protestant Reformation changed the world. But forces arose almost immediately to nullify its monumental effect and to bring the world back into line with papal teachings. What is the history of the Society of Jesus? What innovations have they brought to the religious and political world? How successful have the Jesuits been in their work for the Papacy?

Who is the black pope and what is his role? What is the relationship between Vatican II and the charismatic movement? Who’s behind the new theology and the move away from fundamentalism in Christianity? Could Loyola’s spiritual exercises explain the resurgence of interest in monasticism and ritualism that we’re seeing in Christianity today?

Professor Walter J. Veith looks at the Jesuit Order and their role in the counter reformation. The Jesuits countered the gains of the Reformation movement, setting up seats of opposition in every court, seeking to undermine and corrupt the men and women who stood for Christ. Through secret societies they put into place the false teachings that blurred the lines of reason and effectively buried the Protestant movement. Nothing remains of the Reformation begun by Martin Luther and his colleagues. The Jesuits have effectively rewritten history.


The Shaking Of America, Heading For A Golden Age Or Destruction?

"In Episode 211 we discuss the "Shaking of America" and explore the prophetic dynamics shaping the United States' role in end-time events, focusing on the formation of the image of the beast and the healing of its wound as foretold in Revelation. We highlight the influence of institutions like the Heritage Foundation, the resurgence of religious legislation, and the push for a synchronised rest day. We connect current political and ideological shifts to biblical prophecy, emphasising how these developments align with the agenda to restore papal authority globally and highlight that the culmination of these events will be the enforcement of laws restricting religious freedom, leading to a final confrontation between divine truth and human authority."


The True Meaning of the 7 Churches Explained

What does Revelation have to say about the Christian Church throughout history? Is it relevant for the Church today? In a look at the prophetic interpretation of the seven churches of Revelation 2 and 3, this episode sweeps through the history of the Christian Church. From the time of Christ through a time of spiritual decline and apostasy, a time of compromise to a time of Gospel restoration, these chapters set the stage for the unraveling of the great controversy between Christ and Satan. Learn how the Sabbath was changed. Revelation is a book you can understand. See for yourself!


Is the Pentagon Hiding Alien Technology?

"Andy Stumpf and Mike Glover discuss recent claims that the Pentagon has a secret program called “Immaculate Constellation”, that collects and quarantines information about UFO encounters.

This comes on the heels of whistleblowers like Lue Elizondo and David Grusch claiming that U.S. government is hiding what it knows about UAP and non-human intelligence.

Is this tech alien, or advanced DARPA research?"

[The so called whistleblowers are only extending the lies. You need to know the truth.]

Is Revelation Meant to Be Understood? Unlocking Revelation 1 | The Revelation of Jesus Christ

What is the best way to interpret the visions in the book of Revelation? What background knowledge do we need to understand God's Word correctly? This presentation is a verse-by-verse exposition of Revelation 1, highlighting the deity of Christ and the great battle between good and evil. It takes us back to the time of ancient cultures right up to the present, showing that apostasy from the truth in the past finds its mirror image in the present. Some other topics explored in this episode include: An overview of Revelation's chiastic structure, the symbols of Revelation, sun worship and its symbols, symbols used as occult communication, the Rabbinic course, and an overview of the time of the end and the 2300-day prophecy.


CONTRADICTION - Has The Roman Catholic Church Changed?

In Episode 210 we discuss recent statements made by theologians and leaders in the Remnant Church, that the Roman Catholic Church has changed since the second Vatican council of 1962 -1965. The Spirit of Prophecy is clear that Rome never changes. Some of these leaders stated that we should distance ourselves from those statements in the Spirit of Prophecy. In this discussion we study to see if Rome did indeed change as they claim, or can we with full confidence stand by the statements in the Spirit of Prophecy?


Walter Veith & Martin Smith: Trump vs Harris 2024 U.S.A Election

"In this special broadcast we discuss the 2024 US Presidential election. How will the outcome fit into prophecy?"

The Rise of Church and State in America: The False Prophet's Answer to Atheism

"Who is the power that opposes Evangelical Christianity in America? - Who does the False Prophet say it’s fighting against when demanding Christian morality be mandated?

This episode presents evidence from the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy about atheism’s prophetic role in comparison to Islam. By exploring these questions, the true dynamics at play in this spiritual and literal struggle become clearer, and adds another layer to consider when exploring topics such as the King of the North vs King of the South, Armageddon, and other relevant end-time related elements.

In this video, we explore the prophetic role of American Protestantism and its ongoing, complex battle against atheism, as expressed by the False Prophet through figures like Mike Johnson and Donald Trump. Join us for an in-depth review of scriptural insights and prophetic writings to discern these critical distinctions and understand how they shape end-time events."


Nenhum compromisso com o pecado

“João desfrutou a bênção da verdadeira santificação. Mas notai: o apóstolo não proclama ser inocente; está em busca da perfeição, andando à luz da presença de Deus. Testifica que o homem que professa conhecer a Deus e, contudo, quebra a lei divina, mente à sua profissão. “Aquele que diz: Eu conheço O, e não guarda os Seus mandamentos, é mentiroso, e nele não está a verdade”. Neste século de alarmante liberalidade, estas palavras seriam taxadas como intolerância. Mas o apóstolo ensina que, conquanto devamos manifestar cortesia cristã, estamos autorizados a chamar o pecado e os pecadores por seu verdadeiro nome — que isto é coerente com a verdadeira caridade. Conquanto tenhamos de amar as almas por quem Cristo morreu e trabalhar por sua salvação, não devemos condescender com o pecado. Não nos unamos com os rebeldes chamando a isso caridade. Deus exige de Seu povo atual que se poste, como o fez João em seu tempo, inflexivelmente pelo direito, em oposição aos erros destruidores das almas.”

Santificação, p. 71.1

Is This The End? Part 2

"Early Workers to Speak - God has given me light regarding our periodicals. What is it? - He has said that the dead are to speak. How? - Their works shall follow them. We are to repeat the words of the pioneers in our work, who knew what it cost to search for the truth as for hidden treasure, and who labored to lay the foundation of our work. They moved forward step by step under the influence of the Spirit of God. One by one these pioneers are passing away. The word given me is, Let that which these men have written in the past be reproduced. And in the Signs of the Times let not the articles be long or the print fine. Do not try to crowd everything into one number of the paper. Let the print be good, and let earnest, living experiences be put into the paper." CW 28.1


The End of 'Truth Matters' & Matthew Schanche's Departure From Amazing Discoveries

A message from Matthew:

Blessings, brothers and sisters. After years of working together, my journey of spreading the message with Amazing Discoveries has come to an end. It has become evident that my beliefs and convictions no longer align with AD’s current direction and teachings. I’ve received numerous questions about my absence, and in this video, I respectfully share where I stand on key issues, why I can no longer be associated with certain views promoted by AD, and discuss what comes next.

This is the beginning of a new phase in ministry - one that seeks to continue sharing Bible-based, evidence-supported content focused on educating others on the truth of Jesus Christ. My deepest thank you to all who choose to support this work; I look forward to continuing the mission with a renewed focus and a commitment to truth as we enter an unprecedented era of deception. May God bless you and keep you always in the name of our Lord, Jesus.


Uma Lição Para O Pusilânime

Que lição há aqui para o pusilânime, vacilante, covarde na causa de Deus! Que encorajamento para aqueles que não se desviarão do dever por ameaças ou perigos! Estes caracteres fiéis e inabaláveis exemplificam a santificação, ao passo que eles não têm nenhum intuito de reclamar a elevada honra. A soma de bens que poderão ser praticados por devotos cristãos, conquanto comparativamente obscuros, não poderá ser avaliada sem que os registros da vida sejam revelados, quando se iniciar o juízo e os livros forem abertos.

Cristo identifica o Seu interesse com os desta classe; não Se envergonha de chamá-los Seus irmãos. Deveria haver centenas onde agora existe um entre nós, tão intimamente aliados a Deus, a sua vida em tal conformidade com a Sua vontade que fossem luzes brilhantes e resplendentes, inteiramente santificados física, moral e espiritualmente.

Ainda prossegue o conflito entre os filhos da luz e os filhos das trevas. Aqueles que se dizem cristãos devem sacudir a letargia que debilita os seus esforços e enfrentar as solenes responsabilidades que repousam sobre eles. Todos os que fazem isto podem esperar que o poder de Deus se revele neles. O Filho de Deus, o Redentor do mundo, será representado em suas palavras e obras, e o nome de Deus será glorificado.

“Como nos dias de Sadraque, Mesaque e Abede-Nego, também no período terminal da história terrena o Senhor operará poderosamente em favor daqueles que se postam inabalavelmente do lado do direito. Aquele que passeou com os valorosos hebreus na ígnea fornalha, estará com os Seus seguidores onde quer que estejam. A Sua permanente presença os haverá de confortar e sustentar. No meio do tempo de prova — prova tal qual nunca houve desde que há uma nação — os Seus escolhidos permanecerão sem serem tocados. Satanás, com todas as hostes do mal, não poderá destruir nem o mais fraco dos santos. Anjos que excedem em poder, protegê-los-ão e, em seu favor, Jeová Se manifestará como um ‘Deus dos deuses’, capaz para salvar perfeitamente aqueles que nEle puseram a sua confiança”. — Profetas e Reis, 513.

Santificação, p. 44.1 - 45.3

You Have a TRACKER in Your Pocket Sending Data to the Deep State

Our cell phones are collecting way more data on us than we think, and it’s shockingly easy for Big Tech, government agencies, and a wide array of bad actors to access it. Glenn speaks with Erik Prince, retired Navy SEAL and the founder of the private military contractor Blackwater, and Ryan Paterson, retired Marine and Big Tech insider, about their new venture, Unplugged, which aims to solve as much of this massive personal security breach as possible. Erik and Ryan explain how anyone who buys our data can learn our routines, discover who we are, and even know which side of the bed we sleep on: “It’s worse than George Orwell even imagined.” Erik and Ryan also address excuses like, “They already have all my data,” or, “I have nothing to hide.” But first, Glenn speaks with Erik about his incredible backstory: Why did he, the son of a successful entrepreneur, become a Navy SEAL and start Blackwater? Erik also provides insight on the conflicts around the world: Can Trump stop the war between Russia and Ukraine? Can Israel free Iran from Islamist tyranny? Was America’s war in Iraq for nothing? Is the Chinese Communist Party our greatest adversary? What did Trump’s comments about “the enemy within” really mean? Plus, he shares his plan for how to make the U.S. military both less expensive and more efficient at the same time.


Erik Prince SPEAKS OUT on Trump's Security & Mass Surveillance Threats

"The government is able to obtain your data from cellphone companies without a warrant. Erik Prince, co-founder of Blackwater, says Unplugged is a revolutionary smartphone that allows users to stay online without the surveillance. Prince says times are becoming volatile in the country and that Americans need to protect their privacy now before it's too late."

Sábado Especial 26 Octubre 2024 desde Samaipata - Fiestas de Las Cabañas - Pr. David Gates


Who Really Controls ALL Secret Societies? | Illuminati, Freemasons, Jesuits, Skull & Bones

Dr. Walter Veith discusses various secret societies, and who really is at the head of it all. He shows you how it all relates to Bible prophecy, the end times, and the mark of the beast.


Antichrist Revealed: The TRUE Identity They Don't Want You To Know | The Man Behind the Mask

What is the little horn? And who is the Antichrist? Does the Bible say when the Antichrist will appear on Earth? In this episode, Walter Veith lets the Bible speak to show us who the Antichrist is. Modern-day deceptions regarding the little horn power, along with the doctrines of preterism and futurism, are contrasted with the plain teachings of the Bible. The twelve identifying features of the little horn power of Daniel 7, the signs of the Antichrist, point to the only entity that can qualify as Antichrist. Find out who it is!

Ancient Prophecy Correctly Predicts the Future | Daniel 2 Unlocks the Mists of Time

What could the dream of a king who lived more than 2,000 years ago tell us about Napoleon, Hitler, and the powers that rule our present world? Daniel 2 records Nebuchadnezzar’s dream about a great statue. This dream reveals the history of the world to the very close of time. The details of this vision tell us where we are in the stream of time and what events are about to occur on Earth. In this Bible study on Daniel 2, Walter Veith analyzes Nebuchadnezzar's dream in detail and shows how history vindicates the Bible’s authenticity. Find out about Napoleon, Hitler, and their occult connections. Discover what the future holds!


Hidden Secrets of the Sanctuary Revealed: Jesus and the Plan of Salvation | An Advocate For Our Time

How is the plan of salvation depicted in the sanctuary services? Is there a heavenly sanctuary, and if so, what happens up there? What did the ceremonies and feasts of the old Israelite sanctuary portray? Is God really into blood and sacrifice? Was the law nailed to the cross?

Discover new facets to the plan of salvation and the beautiful meaning behind the symbolism of the sanctuary and its services. In this study, Walter Veith also looks at the different laws of the Jewish system, with a special focus on contrasting the ceremonial law vs moral law. Learn about Christ's role in the sanctuary system. Discover the Advocate who acts on your behalf in the heavenly courts.

The Real-Life History of Messiah | Where Jesus Walked

Follow Christ's footsteps through ancient Israel and get an insight into the life of Jesus in this remarkable remake of Christ's journey. This episode takes a visual journey through ancient Palestine retracing the steps of the Master and highlighting His great teachings such as the Sermon on the Mount. The life and ministry of Christ, His birth, and death on the cross are portrayed in multimedia format in a thought-provoking study. You will enjoy this look into the life of Christ.


Jesus Christ | Just Another Man or Son of God?

Who is Jesus? Does He measure up to the Messianic prophecies of the Bible? Is Jesus God? Learn about the 70 weeks of Daniel, a prophecy that pinpoints the date of Messiah’s appearance and find out about the rabbinical curse that threatens those who would calculate the date. Explore the astronomical odds against one man fulfilling even just a few of the hundreds of Messianic prophecies. Professor Walter Veith unravels the ancient prophecies about the Messiah and compares them with the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Consider the evidence and decide for yourself.


Evaluemos Este Asunto. Negociaron La Verdad Adventista

Hoy en día nos enfrentamos a una situación que debe ser analizada con atención Por qué con cada día que pasa enfrentamos nuevas situaciones que nos sorprenden? Qué es lo que está pasando? Acaso tiene que ver con la nueva teología que adoptamos como organización? Cuál es el problema de fondo que estamos por enfrentar en su más cruda realidad? Tenemos esperanza como pueblo adventista? Qué es "Nuestro Firme Fundamento”? Porqué generó tanta polémica? Quienes eran Hope International? Será fácil volver a conseguir la lealtad de los hermanos hacia la administración de la iglesia?


Sé Fiel! Aunque Se Desplomen Los Cielos

EXISTE UN PLAN, se está desarrollando y así como en la Biblia será probada nuestra fe y fidelidad. Qué harás? Realmente los problemas y desastres mundiales están siendo programados? Cuál es la verdad que quieren que olvidemos?

Cuál Es El Problema De Fondo?

(Aunque se suspendió el evento, es muy probable que volvamos a tropezar con el mismo asunto, por esta misma cuestión es importante estudiar a fondo este tema).

¿Qué está pasando en Loma Linda? Porqué hubo tanta polémica sobre este asunto? Una invitación inverosímil fue extendida en una de nuestras instituciones, pero cuál es el problema real? A donde nos está arrastrando todo esto? Quienes esta orquesta este tipo de asuntos? Quienes son los nominales y la iglesia triunfante? Cuál es su rol en el tiempo del fin?

Pagers And Walkie Talkies – Israel Conducts Historic Attack On Hezbollah

Israel executed masterful and historic attacks against thousands of Hezbollah fighters by disrupting their supply chain and implanting explosives in pagers and radios that detonated simultaneously across Lebanon. These calculated assaults also decimated the high command of Hezbollah, which has been conducting conventional drone and missile strikes throughout the north of Israel for months. Mark and Erik break down this major development in the Middle east war against Israel and dive deep into the calculus by the IDF and Mossad to create this plan, and the implications for the restoration of their reputations since the brazen and barbaric attacks by Hamas against Israeli citizens on October 7, 2023.

The ANTICHRIST Tells You Exactly WHO HE IS In This Ancient Document

The Bible is clear about who the antichrist is, what the mark of the beast is, and what 666 means. But what's even more amazing, is that the antichrist tells you who he is himself in his own writings! And how his name literally adds up to 666!

Yoga Unboxed - Reviews

Yoga Unboxed is a series of videos designed to explain Yoga’s ancient roots and, how and through whom these ancient roots have taken precedence in people’s lives in modern times. The deep ideology and purpose of Yoga is explained in these series of lectures.


How Elite Hackers Evade Global Security: Cyber Espionage & Global Hacking Underworlds: Jack Rhysider

Today's Change Agents guests is cybersecurity expert and host of the podcast Darknet Dairies, Jack Rhysider. His show delves into the world of cybersecurity, hacking, privacy, and the darker side of the internet.

Prior to creating the show, Jack worked as a security engineer in a Security Operation Center for a Fortune 500 company. It was there that he gained most of his professional knowledge about networks and cybersecurity through having access to networks of schools, banks, businesses, and even government.


'People Get Crazy': The Gear You Need to Survive Mega-Disasters

In the aftermath of Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton, this week on Focal Point, Mike Glover and Andy Stumpf, discuss preparedness and the gear you need to protect your family and help your community after a natural disaster.

Mike and Andy discuss go-bags, generator recommendations, coms, Starlink, and more.


Impactful Moments: Deceptions of Yoga & Other Testimonies

"In this inspiring video, we share powerful testimonies of individuals whose lives have been profoundly changed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Join us as we hear heartfelt stories of gratitude and thankfulness, showcasing the hope, healing, and transformation that faith can bring."


Aerial Recovery - The Hurricane Helene Disaster

Jonathan Howard and Charlie Keebaugh are members of Aerial Recovery, a nonprofit organization focused on disaster response and humanitarian aid, particularly in areas affected by natural disasters and crises. They specialize in using aerial technology, such as drones and helicopters, to assess damage, deliver supplies, and support recovery efforts. The organization often collaborates with local communities, governments, and other NGOs to provide assistance and facilitate recovery.

Their work includes search and rescue operations, medical supply deliveries, and providing essential resources like food and clean water. By leveraging innovative technologies and a network of trained veteran volunteers, Aerial Recovery Group aims to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of disaster response efforts. Recently, they've deployed to areas affected by Hurricane Helene to assist in the rescue and recovery effort. You can donate to the effort below.


FEMA’s Disastrous Response to Hurricane Helene & Milton - What Went Wrong?

Patrick Bet-David goes deep into what happened with FEMA’s response to Hurricane Helene in North Carolina, where the money went, and what will happen with Hurricane Milton.


President Donald J. Trump - Make America Great Again | SRS #127

Donald J. Trump is the 45th President of the United States and is now running for a second term. In June 2015, Trump announced his candidacy for the 2016 presidential election as a Republican. Unlike the politicians before him, President Trump had a unique style and message that energized the American public. His appeal to many Americans stemmed from his status as a political outsider and his portrayal as a break from traditional career politicians.

During and after his presidency, Trump faced significant opposition and controversy from the establishment, including two impeachments by the House of Representatives—first in 2019 over abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, and again in 2021 over incitement of insurrection related to the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021. He was acquitted by the Senate in both cases. Most recently, there was an attempt on his life when a gunman opened fire during a rally in Pennsylvania, wounding the President and two spectators, and killing one supporter.

Today, President Trump is running on a platform dedicated to strong border and immigration policies, lowering taxes and inflation, achieving energy independence, and ending the weaponization of the media and government agencies. In this episode of SRS, Shawn met with the President in Las Vegas to discuss his vision for the future and how he intends to "make America great again."


Julian Assange - The CIA Tried to Assassinate Me

Julian Assange gives his first public statement since his release, and describes the CIA plot to assassinate him.


4 Claves Para Que Los Ministerios Independientes Desaparezcan

"Sólo para Adventistas. Hoy les damos las claves para que el liderazgo de la Iglesia recupere la lealtad de sus miembros. Cómo podrían desaparecer los ministerios independientes? Quién fue el Pastor que le dio esta solución a la administración de la iglesia? Porqué el Libro de "Si yo fuera el Diablo" es importante para estudiar en estos tiempos? Qué es "Nuestro Firme Fundamento”? Porqué generó tanta polémica? Quienes eran Hope International? Será fácil volver a conseguir la lealtad de los hermanos hacia la administración de la iglesia?"

Tiempos Peligroso Para La Libertad De Conciencia

"DAD AL CESAR LO QUE ES DEL CESAR. Hace muy poco el Dr. Conrad Vine hizo declaraciones que tuvo mucho impacto en las redes sociales. Pero por qué está pasando esto? En qué se basa para dar estas declaraciones? Por qué surgió el tema de la Iglesia Adventista de la Reforma? Como iglesia nos encontramos divididos frente a una agenda global. Cómo debemos responder frente a esta situación? Qué nos espera como iglesia organizada en el tiempo del fin?"

Divine Divorcee


Zoology Professor Dr Walter Veith Debunks Evolution Theory and Darwinism

Does Darwinism and the evolution theory still stand strong, or is the foundation slowly cracking with newfound evidence that has been coming to the surface? Listen to Dr Walter Veith, former professor in zoology at the University of Cape Town, South Africa (who’s work involved research into the evolution theory at the university), as he shares why he changed from a Darwinism perspective, to creationism.


Talking Present Truth With One Night In Miami Actor - Eli Goree

"In Episode 207 we had the opportunity to meet Ex Hollywood Actor Eli Goree at the ASI Convention held in Orlando Florida. Eli tells of his amazing transition from fame and a big screen career, to a faith filled life. Why he left Hollywood, what is he currently doing and how is he now spreading the three Angel's messages to the world. We also delve into present truth and current events, and what should our focus be at this time in history."


El Salvador’s War on Gangs

Erik and Mark discuss Erik’s recent trip to El Salvador, where he saw firsthand what the government is doing to rid the country of its gang problem – and in the process, help the U.S. combat the spread of dangerous gangs like MS-13.

Escola Sabatina - Lição 13 | O Senhor Ressurreto

Vamos mergulhar na Lição 13 da Escola Sabatina, intitulada "O Senhor Ressuscitado". Esta lição faz parte do nosso estudo sobre o Evangelho de Marcos no terceiro trimestre de 2024. Vamos explorar juntos o poder e o significado da ressurreição de Jesus, um evento que mudou o curso da história e continua a transformar vidas hoje. Preparem-se para uma jornada espiritual profunda, onde examinaremos as evidências da ressurreição e o seu impacto em nossa fé. Não perca esta oportunidade de fortalecer a sua compreensão e relação com o nosso Senhor ressuscitado!

Escola Sabatina - Lição 12 | Julgado e Crucificado

Olá, queridos irmãos e amigos, estou aqui mais uma vez para a penúltima Lição da Escola Sabatina deste trimestre, a lição 12, que é, por assim dizer, uma continuação ou o clímax daquilo que começamos a ver na semana passada. Na semana passada, ao revisarmos a lição 11, entramos nos momentos mais críticos da Paixão de Cristo. Esta lição 12 refere-se a acontecimentos que se passaram apenas na sexta-feira da Paixão, e é sobre isso que nós nos iremos atardar.

Veremos o momentos mais crucial da história da humanidade: a crucificação de Jesus Cristo. Acompanhe-nos nesta jornada e explore os detalhes do capítulo 15 de Marcos, onde os acontecimentos da sexta-feira da Paixão são minuciosamente descritos. Descubra o significado da traição de Judas, do julgamento injusto e do sacrifício supremo de Jesus. Uma análise rica e detalhada que nos leva a refletir sobre o amor infinito de Deus por nós.

Escola Sabatina - Lição 11 | Preso e Julgado

Neste estudo bíblico, mergulhamos juntos nas profundezas das Escrituras para explorar um tema de suma importância para os cristãos: os momentos finais de Jesus antes da cruz. Vamos analisar a traição de Judas, a prisão no Getsêmane e o início do julgamento injusto. Prepare-se para uma jornada emocionante e profunda através da Lição da Escola Sabatina.


Exploring The Trinity/Godhead

"In this episode, we dive into some BIG questions about the Trinity - what did the early Seventh-day Adventist pioneers believe? We also elaborate on 1 Corinthians 8:6 and proverbs 8, discussing its significance in understanding the relationship within the Godhead. Plus, we tackle an intriguing question: If there are three persons in the Godhead, does that mean there are three thrones in heaven?"


UFO's & End Time Deceptions

"In episode 206 we are in the USA chatting with Strange Normal about last day events. Particularly UAP (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomenon) & UFO (Unidentified Flying Objects) & NHI (Non-Human Intelligence) At the beginning of this episode, Walter tells a true story about his experience with UFOs."


Escola Sabatina - Lição 10 | Os Últimos Dias

"Meus amados irmãos e irmãs em Cristo

Neste estudo bíblico, mergulhamos juntos nas profundezas das Escrituras para explorar um tema de suma importância para os cristãos: os Últimos Dias. Acompanhado do nosso querido irmão José Elói Robalo, analisamos a Lição 10 do trimestre, desvendando os mistérios e profecias que envolvem esse tempo tão esperado e temido.

Ao longo deste vídeo, exploramos o Sermão Profético, aquele discurso de Jesus que nos revela os sinais dos tempos e nos prepara para o que está por vir. A parábola da viúva pobre, um exemplo marcante de fé e generosidade, também é analisada, oferecendo-nos preciosas lições para a nossa vida cristã.

Desvendamos juntos a condição espiritual da Igreja nos últimos dias, os desafios que enfrentaremos e a importância de permanecermos firmes na fé, aguardando a gloriosa volta do nosso Senhor e Salvador Jesus Cristo.

Convido-vos a acompanhar este estudo bíblico, repleto de insights e revelações, e a aprofundar a sua compreensão sobre as profecias bíblicas. Que estejamos cada vez mais preparados para vivermos com sabedoria e fé nestes últimos dias."

Paulo Cordeiro


Richard Hammond: “This is where it all began”

Richard Hammond has spent the last 25 years establishing himself as one of the biggest names in car media. Starting with Men & Motors, to Top Gear, The Grand Tour and Richard Hammond's Workshop, he has one of the beefiest careers in the business. In this video, he goes back to the genesis of it all, tracing a childhood story that laid the foundations for his amazing adventures on-screen.


Dr. Conrad Vine - Maine Campmeeting / Campamento en Maine

What will our church become? A Remnant, Respectable or a Regime church that violates the consciences of its members?

En que se convertirá nuestra iglesia? Una iglesia Remanente, Respetable o una iglesia Régimen que viola las consciencias de sus miembros?


Julian Assange & Edward Snowden: Heroes or Traitors?

Recently, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange returned to his home country of Australia after spending years fighting legal charges that initially stemmed from the release of sensitive footage on his site Wikileaks. The videos were provided to him by a former United States Army intelligence analyst in 2010.

The story is similar to the case of former NSA intelligence contractor Edward Snowden, who publically disclosed the extent of the agency's global surveillance programs, which often involved cooperation with telecom companies.

Andy Stumpf and Mike Glover discuss these cases, the military and intelligence communities, operational security, and the role that whistleblowers can play in holding institutions accountable.


“Security Is An Illusion” Ethical Hacker Exposes Child Predators & Tools To Protect Against Hackers

Patrick Bet-David sits down with Ryan Montgomery, a renowned ethical hacker known for his expertise in cybersecurity and passion for child safety.

Montgomery, who has been at the forefront of exposing online predators, shares insights into his journey as a hacker, his motivations for taking down dangerous websites, and the alarming vulnerabilities in today’s digital world.


Trump Assassination Attempt, Olympics, Media Brainwash

"In Episode 205 we join as guests on the set of Little Light Studio's LED Live with Scotty Mayer and Keith Detwieler. We discuss current events such as the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, the prophecy of that assassination attempt three months earlier, the opening ceremony of the Olympics, Trump & WWE wrestling, and much more."


Joe Kent - Gold Star Husband and Ex-Special Forces/CIA Operative Now Running for Congress

Joe Kent is an Army Special Forces Veteran with two decades of service. Following the tragic death of his wife, Shannon Kent, who served in intelligence operations combatting ISIS in Syria, Joe's career evolved from Special Operations into Field Operative roles in the CIA. Kent would then focus his career on institutional change, advising President Trump on national security and foreign policy. After his retirement from the military, Kent has committed to a continued life of service as a candidate for office in Washington's 3rd congressional district.

“Musk To The Rescue” - SpaceX To Save Stranded NASA Astronauts After Boeing's Space Blunder

Boeing employees are humiliated after NASA decided to rely on SpaceX to rescue astronauts stranded on the ISS, following issues with Boeing's Starliner spacecraft.


Alerta! Debes Escuchar Esto!

"Ya se esta orquestando para derramar el vino de Babilonia. Es hora de prepararse, pero no con miedo o ansiedad, sino como vencedores. Cómo no desfallecer ante el decreto que el mundo esta planificando?"


Europe rejects globalism. The US is next – or is it?

"Voters across Europe sent a powerful message to globalist elites in the latest European Union elections, giving anti-immigrant, pro-European parties a surprisingly large share of the vote while repudiating the parties in power. Erik breaks down the political trends and what they mean for the U.S. ahead of this year’s elections – unless the Democrats plan to flood the ballot boxes with votes from the flood of illegal immigrants Biden has allowed to cross the border since taking office."


Wait for the Dust to Settle

"In this episode, we welcome Mike Glover back to the show. He is a retired Green Beret and CIA contractor that deployed 15 times during the Global War on Terror. He is also the Founder and CEO of Fieldcraft Survival which teaches survival and disaster preparedness training courses and provides equipment that aids with that training. Additionally, he is the author of the book Prepared: A Manual for Surviving Worst-Case Scenarios. In this interview, we discuss the circumstances around his recent arrest and the subsequent dropping of all criminal charges, what it was like when he was being marched to solitary confinement, the rekindling of his relationship with God, what to expect in the future, and much more. Let’s get into it…"


Then, Now & To Come, History Will Repeat Itself - Daniel 11

"In Episode 204 we take a look at Daniel 11, and especially how verses 30 - 36 to verses 40 - 45 tie together and how they play out currently and in the future. According to prophecy history will repeat itself. Can we then change the role players that will be active in this prophecy?"


How To Prepare For "No Buy, No Sell"

"The concept of the "last days" and the "time of trouble" is a significant and often daunting topic in Christian eschatology. Many people are concerned about the period (as predicted in Rev 13:17) where we will not be able to buy or sell unless we accept the mark of the beast, or other prophetic events. When will this be? What if we are in need of medical or food supplies during this time? Should we be concerned? Our heavenly Father has a thousand ways to provide for us of which we know nothing. Through faith, Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son, Isaac - similarly, with a combination of faith in God, and our own efforts, are we to follow in His footsteps. "Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness." (Isaiah 41:10 KJV)"


The Horror of War is Perpetual and BY DESIGN

"Blackwater CEO and Founder Erik Prince joins the show to break down why war is meant to be expensive, the controversial history of Blackwater, the addiction to greed in our military and just how real the Military Industrial Complex is."


Cambio De Sacerdocio - Los Santos De Los Útimos Días

"Sabías que Dios efectuará un cambio de sacerdocio en el contexto del tiempo del fin? En este estudio demostramos la conexión entre el mensaje a Filadelfia y los '144000', aquellos que serán los flamantes embajadores del Reino de los Cielos en el fin del tiempo."


Erik Prince: NATO vs. Russia, the Secrets of Drone Warfare, and CIA Corruption

Erik Prince is an entrepreneur, former Navy SEAL and founder of Blackwater Worldwide, a private military corporation. His latest project is Unplugged, a phone, messaging application and VPN that is privacy focused and won’t collect or share customer data.


Não vos inquieteis pois pelo dia de amanhã. ... Basta a cada dia o seu mal.

“Não vos inquieteis pois pelo dia de amanhã. ... Basta a cada dia o seu mal.” Mateus 6:34.

Se vos entregastes a Deus, para fazer a Sua obra, não precisais estar ansiosos pelo dia de amanhã. Aquele de quem sois servo, conhece o fim desde o princípio. Os acontecimentos do amanhã, ocultos a vossos olhos, acham-se à vista dAquele que é onipotente.

Quando tomamos em nossas mãos o manejo das coisas com que temos de lidar, e confiamos em nossa própria sabedoria quanto ao êxito, chamamos sobre nós um fardo que Deus não nos deu, e estamos a levá-lo sem Sua ajuda. Estamos tomando sobre nós mesmos a responsabilidade que pertence a Deus, pondo-nos, na verdade, assim, em Seu lugar. Podemos bem ter

ansiedade e antecipar perigos e perdas; pois isto é certo sobrevir-nos. Mas quando deveras acreditamos que Deus nos ama, e nos quer fazer bem, cessamos de afligir-nos a respeito do futuro. Confiaremos em Deus assim como uma criança confia em um amoroso pai. Então desaparecerão nossas turbações e tormentos; pois nossa vontade fundir-se-á com a vontade de Deus.

Cristo não nos deu promessa alguma de auxílio para quando levarmos hoje os fardos de amanhã. Disse Ele: “Minha graça te basta” (2 Coríntios 12:9); mas, como o maná dado no deserto, Sua graça é concedida diariamente, para a necessidade do dia. Como as hostes de Israel em sua vida de peregrinos, encontraremos manhã após manhã o pão do Céu para a provisão do dia.

Um dia sozinho nos pertence, e durante o mesmo cumpre-nos viver para Deus. Por esse dia devemos colocar na mão de Cristo, em solene serviço, todos os nossos desígnios e planos, depondo sobre Ele toda a nossa solicitude, pois tem cuidado de nós. “Eu bem sei os pensamentos que penso de vós, diz o Senhor, pensamentos de paz, e não de mal, para vos dar o fim que esperais.” “Em vos converterdes, e em repousardes estaria a vossa salvação; no sossego e na confiança estaria a vossa força.” Jeremias 29:11; Isaías 30:15.

Se buscardes o Senhor e vos converterdes cada dia; se, por vossa própria escolha espiritual, fordes livres e ditosos em Deus; se, com satisfeito consentimento do coração a Seu gracioso convite, vierdes e tomardes o jugo de Cristo — o jugo da obediência e do serviço — todas as vossas murmurações emudecerão, remover-se-ão todas as vossas dificuldades, todos os desconcertantes problemas que ora vos defrontam se resolverão.

O Maior Discurso de Cristo, p. 100

The Laodicean Testimony - Gathering Behind Jesus.

"In Episode 203 we discuss the importance of not deviating to the left or the right of the path that Jesus trod. The Laodicean testimony is a personal message to each individual in the remnant church."


Breakdown of the Donald Trump Assassination Attempt

Erik Prince is an American entrepreneur, former U.S. Navy SEAL Officer and founder of the private military company Blackwater. Returning as a guest and fan favorite on SRS, Erik joins Shawn for an in-depth exploration of the recent assassination attempt on former President Donald J. Trump. Together, they delve into unresolved security and operational issues surrounding the tragic event, speculating on how the situation might evolve as new information emerges. Leveraging their backgrounds, Shawn and Erik offer distinctive perspectives rarely found in mainstream media coverage.

Catholic View on the Seventy-Week Prophecy: Unveiling Truth

"Which interpretation of Daniel 8 and 9 is correct? The seventy-week prophecy is confusing the world, so we are here to break it down and make it simple. ... different views of the seventy-week prophecy. In previous episodes, we've explored the Jewish perspective.This episode looks at the prophecy from the Catholic viewpoint, establishing key facts. Discover how the timeline of historical events, such as the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in 586 BC versus 421 BC, can significantly alter our understanding of prophecy.

We aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of end-time prophecy, by examining views from Jewish, Catholic, Evangelical, and SDA perspectives. It's crucial to understand these differing viewpoints to see how they align or conflict with the Bible. God gives us these messages of warning so that when we see prophecy fulfilled, we will turn to Him. The red heifer, the rapture, and the timeline of events from Daniel 8 and 9 are critical to understand. Don't miss our next episode on the Evangelical perspective!"


Trump Assassination Attempt: Could It Spark a Civil War in the USA?

"In this video, we dive deep into the recent attempt on former President Donald Trump's life and explore the potential ramifications for the United States. Could this event lead to a modern civil war? How is the religious right responding to this event? Join us as we analyze the political climate, the rise of extremism, and the social divides that could ignite further conflict."


G7 Summit and Global Earth Sabbaths!

Biblical prophecies are coming true! Join MacKenzie Drebit as he discusses the global "Mark of the Beast" and its relation to the 2024 G7 Summit. This event brings together world leaders on environmental issues, including a weekly "Earth Sabbath," and much more. Don't miss this important information as prophecy unfolds before our eyes!


Worse Than They: The Church Of Today Emulating Ancient Israel?

"In Episode 202 we discuss the ancient Israelites and how easily and quickly they backslid, even shortly after God spoke the ten commandments from Sinai. Are we doing better today, or are we emulating, or even improving upon them?"


Sabbath: The Universal Test, Is It Just About A Day Or Any Day?

"In Episode 200 we take an in depth look at a not often thought of angle of the Sabbath issue. How important is it to keep the specific day or can we keep any day or every day? Is the issue salvational or merely incidental?"


The False Prophet Rising: Part 2 - Trump's America 2024

Is Trump merging church and state? [...] explore the merging of church and state, focusing particularly on Trump's recent speech at the NRB National Religious Broadcasters convention. [...] a Southern Baptist pastor's belief that Trump will bring a Christian worldview to the White House. This raises important questions: Is Trump truly a Christian leader, and what are the implications for the freedom of non-Christians? [...] Trump, prophecy, Israel, the Third Temple, and American conservatism to the 2025 agenda.


The Future Is Here!

Brandtley Greenlaw presents current events showing that prophetic events are now happening!


Estrellas Caídas - La extraña conexión entre los Cristianos y los Ovnis

"El mini documental que te ayudará a entender el misterios de los Ovnis y el plan de satanás para engañar a la humanidad y ponerla en contra de Dios."

Donald Trump ¡El Elegido! Predicciones Que No Fallan

"The Economist ha hecho predicciones impresionantes para este 2024, predicciones que por cierto se han cumplido de una manera increíble. Pero... ¿Qué dice la Biblia? No te pierdas este nuevo episodio."

Starfall - The Strange Connection between Christians and UFOs

Exploring the idea that the spiritualism that the Bible speaks about at the end of time, is known today as UFOs, UAPs, and Aliens and will play a pinnacle role in last day events. Theorizing that this, once hidden agenda, is now revealing itself more and more each day, and will soon become an overwhelming surprise to many. Revealing that this phenomenon isn't just spiritual, but is being pushed as an agenda as seen in Wikileaks.

Congreso De EEUU Considera La Biblia Antisemita

"La Cámara de Representantes de Estados Unidos aprobó un proyecto de ley para adoptar una definición de antisemitismo que incluye la afirmación de que los judíos estuvieron involucrados en la ejecución de Jesucristo. Así, el Nuevo Testamento se convertiría legalmente en un texto antisemita.

Es probable que la guerra en Gaza y la posición de Estados Unidos tengan un impacto formidable en el Nuevo Testamento. El proyecto de ley llega en un momento en que las universidades han establecido su propio escenario de manifestaciones propalestina que, según sus detractores, desde entonces basculan en el antisemitismo. Muchos políticos critican la invasión como equivalente al antisemitismo.

El Congreso aprobó este proyecto de ley el 1 de mayo de 2024, que obligaría al Departamento de Educación a utilizar la definición de antisemitismo dada por la Alianza Internacional para el Recuerdo del Holocausto (IHRA) en la aplicación de las leyes contra la discriminación. Un gran número de miembros del Congreso, tanto demócratas como republicanos, que se dicen cristianos, han votado a favor.

“El antisemitismo es una cierta percepción de los judíos, que puede expresarse mediante el odio a los judíos.

Las manifestaciones retóricas y físicas del antisemitismo están dirigidas contra personas judías o no judías y/o sus propiedades, contra instituciones de la comunidad judía e instalaciones religiosas”, dice la definición."


The False Prophet Rising: An Update of the Current State of Protestant America

What type of enforcement is coming to America soon? ... a deep dive into the prophetic implications for America. ... explore the alignment of recent political actions with biblical predictions, the rise of the false prophet, & the potential for history to repeat itself. Discover how religious and political powers may converge, & the significance of Project 2025 in shaping future religious enforcement.

How Taiwan Can DEFEAT China

America’s role as a guarantor of world peace is in doubt, and China is ramping up pressure on Taiwan, broadcasting an intention to retake the island by force, possibly through a military blockade. But Taiwan’s fate is not sealed. The U.S. Navy remains a powerful force in the Pacific, and Japan is rapidly arming up in response to Chinese aggression. Erik discusses what Taiwan’s new president should do to prepare the country for a possible Chinese invasion, such as establishing a Home Guard that could apply lessons learned from successful military operations of the past in which a smaller country has defeated a larger one.


Moving Of The Spirit, Waiting For The Latter Rain

"In Episode 199 we discuss the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth. As the early rain was poured out at Pentecost, we are praying and waiting for the latter rain to fall on God's remnant so that the loud cry can prepare multitudes for the return of Jesus. Will this be a general outpouring of the Spirit, or are there certain conditions to be met before this long awaited event can take place?"


Telegram Creator on Elon Musk, Resisting FBI Attacks, and Getting Mugged in California

The social media app Telegram has over 900 million users around the world. Its founder Pavel Durov sat down with Tucker Carlson at his offices in Dubai for a rare interview.


Confronting the Physical Reality of Your Faith

Is the Vatican preparing to tell people about spiritualism? Another US Military Leak: "They Are Speaking to non-human intelligence." ...


The Unshakeable Truth: 2025-2030 Crisis Unveiled

Join Scott Ritsema in this eye-opening video as he reveals the unshakeable truth about the upcoming crisis from 2025-2030.


Ideological Transition, Russel Brand & Others Turn To Jesus?

"In Episode 198 we discuss the ideological transition that is taking place all over the world. Many famous people like Russel Brand, Candace Owens, Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan are turning to religion or talking positively about it. Is this all part of the transition that the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy speak about that will happen to eventually implement the Mark of the beast? We also discuss the Solar storm that presumably caused Auroras in the skies and caused Internet and network blackouts. Are these signs of the times?"


What Is Truth? Can The Bible Be Trusted - 02

In this episode we will discuss the facts pertaining to the credibility of the bible, be it historical, archeological, prophetic or simply logical evidence. Throughout the ages, the bible has been preserved and safeguarded to allow the light of Christ to permeate through darkness and transform us into His image.


Aurora Borealis Increased UAP Activity?

Tonight's episode is about the increased UAP activity, the latest spiritualism in the news, and a John Hopkins University study on encounters with entities who say "Worship Me".


El MUNDO en ALERTA MÁXIMA por la TORMENTA SOLAR MÁS FUERTE de los últimos 20 años

"¡Alerta mundial! La NOAA ha lanzado una advertencia sobre una serie de potentes tormentas solares que se dirigen hacia la Tierra desde el 9 de Mayo, algo que no se veía desde 2003. Con dos tormentas solares de clase X1 y X2.2, siendo esta última la más intensa en las últimas dos décadas, el impacto es inevitable. Estas tormentas, geoefectivas y clasificadas desde G1 hasta G5, representan un riesgo considerable. Además, estamos viendo fenómenos extremadamente raros, como auroras boreales rojas en España, incluso en Valencia. Con manchas solares como AR3663 y AR3664 creciendo sin control, y con esta última siendo 15 veces más grande que la Tierra, nos encontramos en un máximo solar que aún no ha alcanzado su punto álgido. Recordemos que la última tormenta solar de esta magnitud en enero de 2003 causó cortes de energía y daños en infraestructuras. La verdadera magnitud del impacto se conoce apenas minutos antes. Este video te mantendrá informado sobre las últimas actualizaciones y cómo prepararte para lo que está por venir."


Curriculum Of The Ages - Most Important Subject In The Universe

"In Episode 197 we discuss the most important subject in the universe. Every conflict that has been waged on this earth was and is centred in this curriculum. As we near the end of time this conflict will escalate and every person will have to make a decision. There are only two choices, not four or six, only two. Make your choice."


What's Up Prof? - What Is Truth?

"In this episode an introduction is made to our new series, called "What is Truth?". Truth has been neglected throughout history, which has resulted in deception, error and darkness in our world, with the end result being total destruction. Similar to Pilate's confusion when confronted with the truth, many souls are seeking answers that the word of God alone can provide.

As we start this new journey to discover truth, we invite our viewers across the world to join us and prepare for the coming of our Lord. We encourage you to ask questions over the course of this series."


End Time Error: The 70 Weeks of Daniel 9 Part 2

Explore the profound and significant 70-week prophecy of Daniel 9 through four denominational perspectives.

What does the 70-week prophecy entail? What is its significance? What are its conditions, and when does the clock begin and end? Join us in this episode as we delve into the answers:

The foundational understanding of the 70-week prophecy.
Exploring its intricate components and their implications.
Examining the conditions set forth within the prophecy.
Determining the precise commencement and conclusion of the 70 weeks.



Pastor John Lomacang and guest John Bradshaw discuss It Is Written's series "500 - Reliving the Reformation".


Battle of The Bibles - Thy Word Is A Light Unto My Path

In Episode 196 we discuss the corruption of the word of God that started from Origen's time, and continued through the centuries by prominent men portraying to be for truth but in actual fact being its staunch enemies. But God's promise that He will protect His Word has stood the test of time, and through His prophecy of seven times purified, we still have the true light for our path.

Tucker Carlson: UFOs are Piloted by Spirits with Bases Under Ocean

Latest News on the UFO Deception. UAP in the news. News Nation Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan discuss UFOs and UAPs and Spirituality. What's really going on? Find out: http://StarfallMovie.com


This Silent Prayer Infuriates Demons...

"Here's presumably a true story about demonic entities appearing as large beings with sparkling skin. These so-called Nephilim giants, often associated with the sons of God and the fallen angels described in Genesis 6 and the Book of Enoch, have long puzzled scholars and believers alike. What connections might they have to the ancient narratives found in the Nephilim Bible and the Book of Giants? Is there a clearer explanation in the texts of Christianity, Catholicism, or broader Christian doctrine that might shed light on these mysterious appearances? Were they simply giants, or is their origin tied to something more celestial? Could there be an undiscovered link between these scriptural giants and the figures reported by observers?"


Se Está Censurando La Verdad Presente #2

Líderes Decapitando La Verdad Presente #1

¡Ha perdido la cabeza! 😢 El le llamó al pecado por su nombre, y otro sin ningún valor moral decidió obedecer a una muchacha sensual. Acompáñanos a ver ¿Cómo hoy? se está pidiendo la cabeza de muchos predicadores que desean exponer la Verdad Presente junto a nuestro orador invitado Marcelo Villca.


Purified Seven Times - Did God Preserve His Word?

In Episode 195 we discuss the importance of God's promise that He will preserve His word. If God failed in that promise, we would have no basis to base our faith on and everything, including the plan of salvation would be worthless. If we are to live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God, it has to be His words, and not the twisted words of someone else. So can we be sure that God preserved His word?


Andrew Bustamante - CIA Spy / U.S. vs China - The New Cold War | SRS #52 (Part 2)

"Andrew Bustamante is back in Part Two of this two-part series to discuss the "sleeping dragon," China. Bustamante tells us how a 5,000 year old country like China moves slowly and quietly with little known initiatives like the "Belt Way," and how he believes a move to take Taiwan is an imminent threat.

We dive deep into the recent Spy Balloon phenomenon over US airspace and growing Chinese influence and capability across the globe through social media and shadow propaganda. We wrap up with a realistic look at the severity of different types of threats like EMPs and China's financial stakes on land and resources here at home."


Andrew Bustamante - CIA Spy / World War 3, Money Laundering, and The Next Superpower | SRS #52 P1

Andrew Bustamante is a former Air Force Combat Veteran and CIA Intelligence Officer specializing in covert action and clandestine operations, a.k.a, your everyday Spy. In Part 1 of this two-part series, Bustamante takes us through his recruitment into the Agency and how he met his wife in the field—a true "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" moment.

Bustamante & Shawn get honest with unfiltered opinions on COVID and American foreign policy with China, Russia, and Ukraine. Bustamante discusses proxy wars and the United States' interests in the current conflict in Eastern Europe and how that affects us here at home. Bustamante level sets with us on media & propaganda, declining US influence, and whether or not our politicians have something to hide.

Strap in. This episode is all about the world underneath, through the eyes of a Spy.


Otro Patogeno Amenaza Al Mundo!!

Los tiempos se van a cumplir, pero hay una gran pregunta con las declaraciones de millonarios y líderes mundiales que están haciendo sobre las próximas catástrofes y avances tecnológicos.


A Providência de Deus

Nem sempre conseguimos entender as providências de Deus. Isto é especialmente difícil quando testemunhamos o sofrimento de pessoas consagradas. Temos muitos exemplos bíblicos: Paulo, Davi, Jó... Deus podia contar com estas pessoas. Elas não precisavam de bênçãos temporais para servir a Deus.

Mark of The Beast, Hand Or Forehead, How Close Are We?

In Episode 194 we discuss recent statements by one of the world's leading Scientists, atheists and evolutionists, Richard Dawkins. Stating that he sees himself as a cultural Christian, but does not believe a word of the Christian faith. On the other hand Donald Trump is promoting the Christian faith with the endorsement of a new God bless the USA Bible that has the Constitution and Bill of Rights in the front pages. The fulfilment of the prophecy of the third angel is edging ever closer. Will you be able to stand?


The Final Deception: Immortality of the Soul

Are you curious about the two components that will deceive the world? Join Truth Matters hosts Matthew Schanche and MacKenzie Drebit as they present solid Biblical evidence supporting current events in these last days. Explore how biblical principles shed light on contemporary issues and understandings. This episode will not be a comprehensive dive on these topics but will mark the beginning of a series. However, it does emphasize the importance of knowing our Bible to avoid deception in these times. In this episode, discover how beliefs of the immortality of the soul stem from pagan worship. Learn where demons come from, and their plans for humanity. Learn about the unity movement's origins in the World Council of Churches and its biblical foretelling in Revelation, shedding light on the "mother" and "daughters" reconciliation.


Witches, Ghosts, and Occultism - Signs of the Last Days!

Join us for a deep dive into spiritualism with Truth Matters, Behind the Headlines: Exposing Truth in Current Events. Music, television, movies, politics, and even the financial world incorporate spiritualism. The stage has been set. A demonic movement is coming to overwhelm the Earth with darkness. Learn how fallen angels will appear as spirits of the dead, stating they have messages from God. Do not be fooled, this is not of God. They bear false messages that go against the Truths of the Bible. Satan has infiltrated every aspect of the world today. His message will be widespread and convincing.

Programa 3x3 - Edição de Março

1) O Tratado Pandémico da OMS votado no próximo mês de Maio

2) Brasil: o "terrorismo do judiciário"

3) Caso Kate Middleton: vídeo real ou falso?


Exploring the Hidden Origins of Protestantism

Ever wondered about the roots of Protestant doctrines? Do you know where they truly originated? Join us for a thrilling journey into the heart of Truth Matters, Behind the Headlines: Exposing Truth in Current Events. Dive into history and theology to unravel the mysteries behind the doctrines that shape countless churches. From the Rapture to the prophetic millennium prepare for a mind-expanding exploration of Biblical truths. In a world where discerning truth is paramount, let the wisdom of the Bible guide your path. Join Truth Matters as we uncover timeless truths together!


Sábado Especial 30 Marzo 2024 - Pr. Richard Gates y Pr. David Gates

Unveiling Deceptions | New Truth Matters Episode

Can a dead loved one reach out to you? What dark schemes does Satan intend for humanity? Uncover the hidden truths in this captivating segment Unveiling Deceptions! Join us for a glimpse into the full upcoming episode of Truth Matters, Behind the Headlines: Revealing Truth in Current Events. As the world grapples with one crisis after another, be vigilant, for Satan prowls like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Delve into his delusions as Truth Matters unveils his plans to deceive the world. Only those anchored in the truths of the Bible can decipher reality from the mirage - don't be fooled. Tune in now and arm yourself to stand firm in Earth's closing scenes!


A Woman Riding The Beast - Through Secret Societies, CIA & FBI

In Episode 193 we continue the discussion on Revelation 17. The woman rides the beast through all its stages in history and also future. But there is also an "is" and "is not" stage that she is still ruling. How does she still run the system even if the beast seamed to have a mortal wound? Is it through secret societies and other font institutions? How close are we to the healing of the seemingly mortal wound?


Jornal The BlindSpot - Edição de Março

- A sofisticada rede de censura no Brasil para silenciar opositores do regime do STF;
- Insólito: Juiza manda censurar vídeo de ostentação do filho de um dos ministros do STF;
- Aumenta fortemente a quantidade de gelo no Artico, mas as televisões ocultam do público;
- França irá criminalizar pacientes e médicos que optem por terapias alternativas.

The SR-91 “Aurora”: The Plane that Doesn’t Exist…


Exposing Deceptions About the Third Temple & Deciphering Daniel 9

What prophecy could impact 2.3 billion people on Earth? How does it relate to current events? Join Truth Matters hosts Matthew Schanche and MacKenzie Drebit as they delve into the prophetic complexities of Daniel 9 and its significance. Unravel the errors and truths behind the 70-week prophecy and their implications on Christianity. With a deep dive into biblical texts and geopolitical insights, they dissect the political and religious agendas surrounding the Third Temple's construction, including the secretive involvement of GOP figures.


Beast From The Bottomless Pit & A Woman Riding It

In Episode 192 we discuss Revelation 17 and the unfolding of its prophecies in front of our eyes. Who or what is the beast with seven heads and ten horns rising from the bottomless pit and who is the woman riding it?


El Espíritu Santo se Retira

¿Qué relación tienen los desastres naturales, terremotos, inundaciones, nevadas sin precedentes, un calor extenuante con el Espíritu Santo? ¿Qué dicen las Sagradas Escrituras sobre esto?


Sábado Especial 16 Marzo 2024 - Pr. Marc Chambers y Pr. David Gates

Trump 2024 Christian Nationalist Takeover or Biden 2024?

In Episode 191 we discuss the push from the king of the south mentality against the "Christian Nationalist" king of the north. Recent speeches made by Donald Trump where he said revival starts November 2024 if he should come into office, and that political power will be given to the churches as never before, all indicate of possible fulfilment of prophecy that states the unification of church and state. But is church and state out of the question if Joe Biden should win?


Him That Thinks He Stands, Take Heed Lest He Falls

In Episode 190 we are at the Brazilian camp meeting and along with all three our wonderful translators we also had Scotty Mayer of Little Light Studios as guest. The title: "Him That Thinks He Stands, Take Heed Lest He Falls". We discuss the influential power, that even individuals, can have over the masses through popularism or fear. And also how easily someone can take a 180 degree turn on what he said before. Will God's remnant church be the necessary influence on the world for this crucial period in history, and take their stand?

Father & Son - Claiming The Promises

All good things come in threes. At least that's a well-known saying.

But with this third child came an incredible series of conflicts, pain and challenges that presented parents Walter and Sonica Veith with seemingly unsolvable problems. Here he was, baby Robert Veith! Alongside the happiness of the child's arrival, the world collapses.

And not just for the moment, because the family is now facing decades of huge changes that will have a decisive impact on the foundations of their lives, lifestyle, faith, hope and future.


Falsos reavivamentos

Vi que Deus tem filhos honestos entre os adventistas nominais e as igrejas caídas, e antes que as pragas sejam derramadas, ministros e povo serão chamados a sair dessas igrejas e alegremente receberão a verdade. Satanás sabe disto, e antes que o alto clamor da terceira mensagem angélica seja ouvido, ele suscitará um despertamento nessas corporações religiosas, a fim de que os que rejeitaram a verdade pensem que Deus está com eles. - Primeiros Escritos, p. 261.

Antes de os juízos finais de Deus caírem sobre a Terra, haverá, entre o povo do Senhor, tal avivamento da primitiva piedade como não fora testemunhado desde os tempos apostólicos. ... O inimigo das almas deseja estorvar esta obra; e antes que chegue o tempo para tal movimento, esforçar-se-á para impedi-la, introduzindo uma contrafação. Nas igrejas que puder colocar sob seu poder sedutor, fará parecer que a bênção especial de Deus foi derramada; manifestar-se-á o que será considerado como grande interesse religioso. ...

Há um excitamento emotivo, mistura do verdadeiro com o falso, muito apropriado para transviar. Contudo, ninguém necessita ser enganado. À luz da Palavra de Deus não é difícil determinar a natureza destes movimentos. Onde quer que os homens negligenciem o testemunho da Escritura Sagrada, desviando-se das verdades claras que servem para provar a alma e que exigem a renúncia de si mesmo e a do mundo, podemos estar certos de que ali não é outorgada a bênção de Deus. - O Grande Conflito, p. 464 - 465.

Eventos Finais, p. 158.1 - 158.3