
You Won't Believe What They Have Planned for 2025 - The Coming "Golden Age"

Something is being planned by the occult world for 2025. Most would never believe what they are expecting - a "light-bringer" returning to usher in a so-called "golden age." In this episode, join Matthew Schanche and Andrew Bikichky as they review the top prophetic events from 2024 and a preview of things to keep an eye on for 2025.

They take a deep dive into the writings of Alice A. Bailey to reveal why the occult world has set its sights on the year 2025 with great hope and expectation. But what does this have to do with major figures like Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, JD Vance, and Mike Johnson? How are they connected to this anticipated golden age?

Plus, an update on the Third Temple and what this means in the broader scope of Bible prophecy. Don’t miss this eye-opening exploration of events unfolding before our very eyes.


Relevance - The Centrality Of Christ, Have We Forgotten?

"In Episode 217 we discuss the Centrality of Christ in everything we think, and do. We talk about how crucial it is to keep Jesus at the center of our beliefs, especially today when it’s easy to get sidetracked by traditions that might lead us away from true spiritual paths, or when getting involved in ecumenical alliances for the sake of the common good. How relevant do we make Jesus?"


Sunday Laws Are Knocking at the Door, 7th Day Adventists , AWAKE.

"A wake-up call for all 7th Day Adventists! Sunday laws are looming on the horizon, threatening our religious freedom and way of life. It's time to awaken and take a stand for our faith. ... we explore the implications of Sunday laws and the urgent need for Adventists to be prepared."


The Time Of Trouble, Standing In The Time Of Trial

"In Episode 216 we discuss important aspects of how to prepare for, and what to do to overcome and stand in the time of trial ahead. We receive so many questions from viewers regarding these issues that we decided to address the core issues that create so much confusion out there. How can God's people find comfort and what is our duty in these troubling times? In the light of Christ ‘fulfilling the law’, how is the Law of God and the sabbath still relevant in this equation? Would this not negate faith and make it works based?"


Israel’s Role In The Last Days

"In this eye-opening discussion, we sit down with Steve to dive into the controversies and misconceptions surrounding the nation of Israel. Many believe that modern Israel holds a central role in Biblical prophecy - but is that truly what the Bible teaches?"

Demonization Discussion with 3ABN


From Constantine To Project 2025: The Incoming Sunday Law

Scott Ritsema has been vocal about Project 2025, a topic he covers in his seminar "Crisis 2025". According to Ritsema, Project 2025 is part of a larger crisis that will unfold from 2025 to 2030. He emphasizes the importance of understanding this crisis and its implications for the future.


The SDA-WHO Connection And Its Implications

Join SDA Pearl as they conduct a thorough investigation into the connection between the Seventh-day Adventist Church and the World Health Organization (WHO).


Paralyzing Times, Are We Heading For Destruction Or Golden Age?

"In Episode 215 we discuss the inauguration of Donald Trump along with the wave of executive orders that he signed during his first week in office, including reversal of multiple executive orders Joe Biden signed. Most, if not all of these executive orders sent shock waves across the world, including his withdrawal from the WHO (World health organisation), withdrawal from the green new deal, mass deportation, only male and female genders recognised in America and many more. Is this the start of the "Golden age of America" as Donald Trump and numerous key role players such as Kevin Roberts of the Heritage foundation and project 2025 claim, or are we heading for disaster?"


Preparar para el congreso de la IASD de 2025. Conección entre la iglesia y las Naciones Unidas

Las Naciones Unidas se organizaron después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial para mantener las relaciones entre sus miembros internacionales. Tiene vínculos importantes con Lucis Trust, anteriormente llamada Lucifer Publishing Company. Este sábado aprenderemos sobre las inquietantes conexiones que la Asociación General de la Iglesia Adventista (y muchas otras iglesias) ha establecido con las Naciones Unidas y su brazo derecho, la Organización Mundial de la Salud. ¿Funcionará esta relación para promover la difusión del mensaje de los tres ángeles? ¿Qué impacto tendrá el brazo derecho de la ONU sobre el brazo derecho del evangelio?


Who Is the Beast from the Bottomless Pit? Exposing Satan's Kingdom of Darkness

Understanding Revelation 11 is an important step toward grasping Bible prophecy. This video offers a detailed look at the French Revolution and the setting up of the New World Order. It includes a discussion of the power behind the French Revolution, the birth of human rights, and their significance in current events. In Revelation 11, a beast arises out of the bottomless pit. This vision suggests that form and structure are added to a gospel of falsehood threatening to rob the world of light.

How was the French Revolution depicted in Bible prophecy? What characteristics of the French Revolution is Satan employing in the kingdom of darkness he’s setting up on Earth? How will these developments affect your life? Find out in this episode which lays a foundation for understanding current world events in the context of Bible prophecy.

Prepare for GC 2025 | The GC and UN Connection

"The United Nations organized itself after World War II to maintain relationships among its international members. It has significant ties to the Lucis Trust, formerly called, Lucifer Publishing Company. This Sabbath we will learn of troubling connections that the General Conference of the Adventist church (and many other churches) has made with the United Nations and its right arm, the World Health Organization. Will this relationship work to further the spread of the Three Angels Message? What impact will the right arm of the UN have on the right arm of the gospel? We believe that this is important to understand as we navigate through the confusion and attempt to move forward as a church."


Infiltração Jesuíta - Psicologia do Desporto, The Chosen, Hallow App

"No episódio 213, examinamos alguns dos métodos sinistros usados ​​pelos jesuítas para se infiltrarem nas denominações e sociedade protestantes, e destruir a reforma protestante. Da psicologia do desporto à série de enorme sucesso “The Chosen” sobre Jesus e os Seus discípulos, da app de oração “Hallow” aos livros mais vendidos de pregadores protestantes famosos, os Jesuítas têm os seus tentáculos em todos os lugares e em tudo para espalhar o seu veneno tortuoso a vítimas inocentes ou sem instrução. Quão importante é que cada pessoa estude agora durante este tempo de selamento, para estar pronta para o que está prestes a acontecer nesta terra?"


Mystery Unlocked: The Truth Behind The 7 Seals Of Revelation

The book of Revelation reveals the good news that there will be a people who, despite persecution, will stand on the platform of truth and will not submit to compromise. This exposé of Revelation 4 to 7 shows the battle surrounding the Gospel and explains the historical significance of the seven seals and their interpretation. It is a fascinating tale of the war between light and darkness which culminates in a final all-out onslaught on the Bible’s teaching that salvation is through Christ alone. This lecture includes both a broad survey of the many interpretations of the seals, and the historical significance of the seals. Learn the history of the Christian church as portrayed by the seals. See the great controversy between Christ and Satan recorded on the pages of history.


Jesus In The Sanctuary, A Seismic Shift In The Plan Of Salvation

"In Episode 214 we discuss "Seismic Shifts" that took place in the plan of salvation throughout history. Whenever God’s people went through a period of change or a shift in God’s way of dealing with them took place, the history of their experience was recited to them. Often this was the case when through their stubbornness God was forced to change their circumstances to bring them to their senses. At the end of Jesus' ministry on earth, one such seismic shift took place, and the majority of the chosen people of God missed it. How important is it that we study these seismic shifts, in order not to repeat the tragic history of the Israelites?"


Many Are Giving Up The Ghost But This Goes Unnoticed By Most

There are moments in life when we experience strange, unexplainable events that leave us wondering. From bizarre coincidences to inexplicable phenomena, these occurrences often go unnoticed by most, but they can have a profound impact on our lives. This video tells a story that goes unnoticed by most.


Kris Paronto - Inside the 13-Hour Benghazi Gunfight and the Hillary-Obama Cover-Up

Kris "Tanto" Paronto is a former Army Ranger and CIA security contractor known for his role in the 2012 Benghazi attack, where he helped save over 20 lives while fighting off terrorists for 13 hours. He served four years in the Army Rangers and four years in the Army National Guard, achieving the rank of sergeant before commissioning in 2003. Paronto later worked as a private security contractor in various regions, including South America, Central America, the Middle East, and North Africa.

After his time with the CIA, Paronto became an author and public speaker, sharing his experiences from the Benghazi attack. He co-authored "13 Hours: The Inside Account of What Really Happened in Benghazi," which was adapted into a film. Additionally, he wrote "The Ranger Way: Living the Code On and Off the Battlefield" and "The Patriot's Creed: Inspiration and Advice for Living a Heroic Life." Currently, he is the lead instructor at Battleline Tactical, hosts the Battleline Podcast, and speaks at seminars and conferences worldwide.


Jesuit Infiltration - Sport Psychology, The Chosen, Hallow App

"In Episode 213 we look at some of the sinister methods used by the Jesuits to infiltrate protestant denominations and society, to destroy the protestant reformation. From sport psychology to the hugely successful "The Chosen" series about Jesus and His disciples, from the biggest prayer app "Hallow" to best selling books by famous protestant preachers, the Jesuits have their tentacles everywhere and in everything to spread their devious poison to unsuspecting or uneducated victims. How important is it not for every person to study now during this sealing time, to be ready for what is about to break upon this earth?"


Cybertruck Bomber Matt Livelsberger’s Email Reveals NEW Evidence

Sam Shoemate is an intelligence officer and Chief Warrant Officer 2 (US Army, Retired). On December 31st, Sam received an email allegedly from Matthew Livelsberger - who would be named as the perpetrator in the detonation of a Tesla Cybertruck at Trump Tower the following day. In this episode of the Shawn Ryan Show, Shoemate brings forward critical information and allegations that cast doubt on the “mainstream” narratives surrounding this event - and many others - if true.