
The Shaking Of America, Heading For A Golden Age Or Destruction?

"In Episode 211 we discuss the "Shaking of America" and explore the prophetic dynamics shaping the United States' role in end-time events, focusing on the formation of the image of the beast and the healing of its wound as foretold in Revelation. We highlight the influence of institutions like the Heritage Foundation, the resurgence of religious legislation, and the push for a synchronised rest day. We connect current political and ideological shifts to biblical prophecy, emphasising how these developments align with the agenda to restore papal authority globally and highlight that the culmination of these events will be the enforcement of laws restricting religious freedom, leading to a final confrontation between divine truth and human authority."


The True Meaning of the 7 Churches Explained

What does Revelation have to say about the Christian Church throughout history? Is it relevant for the Church today? In a look at the prophetic interpretation of the seven churches of Revelation 2 and 3, this episode sweeps through the history of the Christian Church. From the time of Christ through a time of spiritual decline and apostasy, a time of compromise to a time of Gospel restoration, these chapters set the stage for the unraveling of the great controversy between Christ and Satan. Learn how the Sabbath was changed. Revelation is a book you can understand. See for yourself!


Is the Pentagon Hiding Alien Technology?

"Andy Stumpf and Mike Glover discuss recent claims that the Pentagon has a secret program called “Immaculate Constellation”, that collects and quarantines information about UFO encounters.

This comes on the heels of whistleblowers like Lue Elizondo and David Grusch claiming that U.S. government is hiding what it knows about UAP and non-human intelligence.

Is this tech alien, or advanced DARPA research?"

[The so called whistleblowers are only extending the lies. You need to know the truth.]

Is Revelation Meant to Be Understood? Unlocking Revelation 1 | The Revelation of Jesus Christ

What is the best way to interpret the visions in the book of Revelation? What background knowledge do we need to understand God's Word correctly? This presentation is a verse-by-verse exposition of Revelation 1, highlighting the deity of Christ and the great battle between good and evil. It takes us back to the time of ancient cultures right up to the present, showing that apostasy from the truth in the past finds its mirror image in the present. Some other topics explored in this episode include: An overview of Revelation's chiastic structure, the symbols of Revelation, sun worship and its symbols, symbols used as occult communication, the Rabbinic course, and an overview of the time of the end and the 2300-day prophecy.


CONTRADICTION - Has The Roman Catholic Church Changed?

In Episode 210 we discuss recent statements made by theologians and leaders in the Remnant Church, that the Roman Catholic Church has changed since the second Vatican council of 1962 -1965. The Spirit of Prophecy is clear that Rome never changes. Some of these leaders stated that we should distance ourselves from those statements in the Spirit of Prophecy. In this discussion we study to see if Rome did indeed change as they claim, or can we with full confidence stand by the statements in the Spirit of Prophecy?


Walter Veith & Martin Smith: Trump vs Harris 2024 U.S.A Election

"In this special broadcast we discuss the 2024 US Presidential election. How will the outcome fit into prophecy?"

The Rise of Church and State in America: The False Prophet's Answer to Atheism

"Who is the power that opposes Evangelical Christianity in America? - Who does the False Prophet say it’s fighting against when demanding Christian morality be mandated?

This episode presents evidence from the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy about atheism’s prophetic role in comparison to Islam. By exploring these questions, the true dynamics at play in this spiritual and literal struggle become clearer, and adds another layer to consider when exploring topics such as the King of the North vs King of the South, Armageddon, and other relevant end-time related elements.

In this video, we explore the prophetic role of American Protestantism and its ongoing, complex battle against atheism, as expressed by the False Prophet through figures like Mike Johnson and Donald Trump. Join us for an in-depth review of scriptural insights and prophetic writings to discern these critical distinctions and understand how they shape end-time events."


Nenhum compromisso com o pecado

“João desfrutou a bênção da verdadeira santificação. Mas notai: o apóstolo não proclama ser inocente; está em busca da perfeição, andando à luz da presença de Deus. Testifica que o homem que professa conhecer a Deus e, contudo, quebra a lei divina, mente à sua profissão. “Aquele que diz: Eu conheço O, e não guarda os Seus mandamentos, é mentiroso, e nele não está a verdade”. Neste século de alarmante liberalidade, estas palavras seriam taxadas como intolerância. Mas o apóstolo ensina que, conquanto devamos manifestar cortesia cristã, estamos autorizados a chamar o pecado e os pecadores por seu verdadeiro nome — que isto é coerente com a verdadeira caridade. Conquanto tenhamos de amar as almas por quem Cristo morreu e trabalhar por sua salvação, não devemos condescender com o pecado. Não nos unamos com os rebeldes chamando a isso caridade. Deus exige de Seu povo atual que se poste, como o fez João em seu tempo, inflexivelmente pelo direito, em oposição aos erros destruidores das almas.”

Santificação, p. 71.1

Is This The End? Part 2

"Early Workers to Speak - God has given me light regarding our periodicals. What is it? - He has said that the dead are to speak. How? - Their works shall follow them. We are to repeat the words of the pioneers in our work, who knew what it cost to search for the truth as for hidden treasure, and who labored to lay the foundation of our work. They moved forward step by step under the influence of the Spirit of God. One by one these pioneers are passing away. The word given me is, Let that which these men have written in the past be reproduced. And in the Signs of the Times let not the articles be long or the print fine. Do not try to crowd everything into one number of the paper. Let the print be good, and let earnest, living experiences be put into the paper." CW 28.1


The End of 'Truth Matters' & Matthew Schanche's Departure From Amazing Discoveries

A message from Matthew:

Blessings, brothers and sisters. After years of working together, my journey of spreading the message with Amazing Discoveries has come to an end. It has become evident that my beliefs and convictions no longer align with AD’s current direction and teachings. I’ve received numerous questions about my absence, and in this video, I respectfully share where I stand on key issues, why I can no longer be associated with certain views promoted by AD, and discuss what comes next.

This is the beginning of a new phase in ministry - one that seeks to continue sharing Bible-based, evidence-supported content focused on educating others on the truth of Jesus Christ. My deepest thank you to all who choose to support this work; I look forward to continuing the mission with a renewed focus and a commitment to truth as we enter an unprecedented era of deception. May God bless you and keep you always in the name of our Lord, Jesus.


Uma Lição Para O Pusilânime

Que lição há aqui para o pusilânime, vacilante, covarde na causa de Deus! Que encorajamento para aqueles que não se desviarão do dever por ameaças ou perigos! Estes caracteres fiéis e inabaláveis exemplificam a santificação, ao passo que eles não têm nenhum intuito de reclamar a elevada honra. A soma de bens que poderão ser praticados por devotos cristãos, conquanto comparativamente obscuros, não poderá ser avaliada sem que os registros da vida sejam revelados, quando se iniciar o juízo e os livros forem abertos.

Cristo identifica o Seu interesse com os desta classe; não Se envergonha de chamá-los Seus irmãos. Deveria haver centenas onde agora existe um entre nós, tão intimamente aliados a Deus, a sua vida em tal conformidade com a Sua vontade que fossem luzes brilhantes e resplendentes, inteiramente santificados física, moral e espiritualmente.

Ainda prossegue o conflito entre os filhos da luz e os filhos das trevas. Aqueles que se dizem cristãos devem sacudir a letargia que debilita os seus esforços e enfrentar as solenes responsabilidades que repousam sobre eles. Todos os que fazem isto podem esperar que o poder de Deus se revele neles. O Filho de Deus, o Redentor do mundo, será representado em suas palavras e obras, e o nome de Deus será glorificado.

“Como nos dias de Sadraque, Mesaque e Abede-Nego, também no período terminal da história terrena o Senhor operará poderosamente em favor daqueles que se postam inabalavelmente do lado do direito. Aquele que passeou com os valorosos hebreus na ígnea fornalha, estará com os Seus seguidores onde quer que estejam. A Sua permanente presença os haverá de confortar e sustentar. No meio do tempo de prova — prova tal qual nunca houve desde que há uma nação — os Seus escolhidos permanecerão sem serem tocados. Satanás, com todas as hostes do mal, não poderá destruir nem o mais fraco dos santos. Anjos que excedem em poder, protegê-los-ão e, em seu favor, Jeová Se manifestará como um ‘Deus dos deuses’, capaz para salvar perfeitamente aqueles que nEle puseram a sua confiança”. — Profetas e Reis, 513.

Santificação, p. 44.1 - 45.3

You Have a TRACKER in Your Pocket Sending Data to the Deep State

Our cell phones are collecting way more data on us than we think, and it’s shockingly easy for Big Tech, government agencies, and a wide array of bad actors to access it. Glenn speaks with Erik Prince, retired Navy SEAL and the founder of the private military contractor Blackwater, and Ryan Paterson, retired Marine and Big Tech insider, about their new venture, Unplugged, which aims to solve as much of this massive personal security breach as possible. Erik and Ryan explain how anyone who buys our data can learn our routines, discover who we are, and even know which side of the bed we sleep on: “It’s worse than George Orwell even imagined.” Erik and Ryan also address excuses like, “They already have all my data,” or, “I have nothing to hide.” But first, Glenn speaks with Erik about his incredible backstory: Why did he, the son of a successful entrepreneur, become a Navy SEAL and start Blackwater? Erik also provides insight on the conflicts around the world: Can Trump stop the war between Russia and Ukraine? Can Israel free Iran from Islamist tyranny? Was America’s war in Iraq for nothing? Is the Chinese Communist Party our greatest adversary? What did Trump’s comments about “the enemy within” really mean? Plus, he shares his plan for how to make the U.S. military both less expensive and more efficient at the same time.