
“Security Is An Illusion” Ethical Hacker Exposes Child Predators & Tools To Protect Against Hackers

Patrick Bet-David sits down with Ryan Montgomery, a renowned ethical hacker known for his expertise in cybersecurity and passion for child safety.

Montgomery, who has been at the forefront of exposing online predators, shares insights into his journey as a hacker, his motivations for taking down dangerous websites, and the alarming vulnerabilities in today’s digital world.


Trump Assassination Attempt, Olympics, Media Brainwash

"In Episode 205 we join as guests on the set of Little Light Studio's LED Live with Scotty Mayer and Keith Detwieler. We discuss current events such as the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, the prophecy of that assassination attempt three months earlier, the opening ceremony of the Olympics, Trump & WWE wrestling, and much more."


Joe Kent - Gold Star Husband and Ex-Special Forces/CIA Operative Now Running for Congress

Joe Kent is an Army Special Forces Veteran with two decades of service. Following the tragic death of his wife, Shannon Kent, who served in intelligence operations combatting ISIS in Syria, Joe's career evolved from Special Operations into Field Operative roles in the CIA. Kent would then focus his career on institutional change, advising President Trump on national security and foreign policy. After his retirement from the military, Kent has committed to a continued life of service as a candidate for office in Washington's 3rd congressional district.

“Musk To The Rescue” - SpaceX To Save Stranded NASA Astronauts After Boeing's Space Blunder

Boeing employees are humiliated after NASA decided to rely on SpaceX to rescue astronauts stranded on the ISS, following issues with Boeing's Starliner spacecraft.


Alerta! Debes Escuchar Esto!

"Ya se esta orquestando para derramar el vino de Babilonia. Es hora de prepararse, pero no con miedo o ansiedad, sino como vencedores. Cómo no desfallecer ante el decreto que el mundo esta planificando?"

Donald Trump Denies Connection to Project 2025

"In this episode, we delve into former President Donald Trump's recent denial of any involvement with Project 2025, a controversial initiative that has been the subject of much speculation and media attention. Join us as we break down the key points of his statement, analyze the reactions from political analysts, and explore the potential implications for America."


Europe rejects globalism. The US is next – or is it?

"Voters across Europe sent a powerful message to globalist elites in the latest European Union elections, giving anti-immigrant, pro-European parties a surprisingly large share of the vote while repudiating the parties in power. Erik breaks down the political trends and what they mean for the U.S. ahead of this year’s elections – unless the Democrats plan to flood the ballot boxes with votes from the flood of illegal immigrants Biden has allowed to cross the border since taking office."


Wait for the Dust to Settle

"In this episode, we welcome Mike Glover back to the show. He is a retired Green Beret and CIA contractor that deployed 15 times during the Global War on Terror. He is also the Founder and CEO of Fieldcraft Survival which teaches survival and disaster preparedness training courses and provides equipment that aids with that training. Additionally, he is the author of the book Prepared: A Manual for Surviving Worst-Case Scenarios. In this interview, we discuss the circumstances around his recent arrest and the subsequent dropping of all criminal charges, what it was like when he was being marched to solitary confinement, the rekindling of his relationship with God, what to expect in the future, and much more. Let’s get into it…"


Then, Now & To Come, History Will Repeat Itself - Daniel 11

"In Episode 204 we take a look at Daniel 11, and especially how verses 30 - 36 to verses 40 - 45 tie together and how they play out currently and in the future. According to prophecy history will repeat itself. Can we then change the role players that will be active in this prophecy?"


How To Prepare For "No Buy, No Sell"

"The concept of the "last days" and the "time of trouble" is a significant and often daunting topic in Christian eschatology. Many people are concerned about the period (as predicted in Rev 13:17) where we will not be able to buy or sell unless we accept the mark of the beast, or other prophetic events. When will this be? What if we are in need of medical or food supplies during this time? Should we be concerned? Our heavenly Father has a thousand ways to provide for us of which we know nothing. Through faith, Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son, Isaac - similarly, with a combination of faith in God, and our own efforts, are we to follow in His footsteps. "Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness." (Isaiah 41:10 KJV)"

10 Commandments in Schools! A Conservative push forward - What does this mean?

"10 Commandments in Schools! What does this mean? We are answering your questions about the End Times and Bible Prophecy. Learn how the mandatory shift to display the 10 Commandments in Louisiana is moving toward the fulfillment of prophecy. Discover a bill written in 1887 pushing for Sunday Law observance. Find out what the conservative agenda wants next and what the Bible says about the importance of keeping all the Commandments. Who changed God's law? What is the image of the beast? Learn about the meaning of Ezekiel 9."


The Horror of War is Perpetual and BY DESIGN

"Blackwater CEO and Founder Erik Prince joins the show to break down why war is meant to be expensive, the controversial history of Blackwater, the addiction to greed in our military and just how real the Military Industrial Complex is."


Cambio De Sacerdocio - Los Santos De Los Útimos Días

"Sabías que Dios efectuará un cambio de sacerdocio en el contexto del tiempo del fin? En este estudio demostramos la conexión entre el mensaje a Filadelfia y los '144000', aquellos que serán los flamantes embajadores del Reino de los Cielos en el fin del tiempo."


Erik Prince: NATO vs. Russia, the Secrets of Drone Warfare, and CIA Corruption

Erik Prince is an entrepreneur, former Navy SEAL and founder of Blackwater Worldwide, a private military corporation. His latest project is Unplugged, a phone, messaging application and VPN that is privacy focused and won’t collect or share customer data.


Não vos inquieteis pois pelo dia de amanhã. ... Basta a cada dia o seu mal.

“Não vos inquieteis pois pelo dia de amanhã. ... Basta a cada dia o seu mal.” Mateus 6:34.

Se vos entregastes a Deus, para fazer a Sua obra, não precisais estar ansiosos pelo dia de amanhã. Aquele de quem sois servo, conhece o fim desde o princípio. Os acontecimentos do amanhã, ocultos a vossos olhos, acham-se à vista dAquele que é onipotente.

Quando tomamos em nossas mãos o manejo das coisas com que temos de lidar, e confiamos em nossa própria sabedoria quanto ao êxito, chamamos sobre nós um fardo que Deus não nos deu, e estamos a levá-lo sem Sua ajuda. Estamos tomando sobre nós mesmos a responsabilidade que pertence a Deus, pondo-nos, na verdade, assim, em Seu lugar. Podemos bem ter

ansiedade e antecipar perigos e perdas; pois isto é certo sobrevir-nos. Mas quando deveras acreditamos que Deus nos ama, e nos quer fazer bem, cessamos de afligir-nos a respeito do futuro. Confiaremos em Deus assim como uma criança confia em um amoroso pai. Então desaparecerão nossas turbações e tormentos; pois nossa vontade fundir-se-á com a vontade de Deus.

Cristo não nos deu promessa alguma de auxílio para quando levarmos hoje os fardos de amanhã. Disse Ele: “Minha graça te basta” (2 Coríntios 12:9); mas, como o maná dado no deserto, Sua graça é concedida diariamente, para a necessidade do dia. Como as hostes de Israel em sua vida de peregrinos, encontraremos manhã após manhã o pão do Céu para a provisão do dia.

Um dia sozinho nos pertence, e durante o mesmo cumpre-nos viver para Deus. Por esse dia devemos colocar na mão de Cristo, em solene serviço, todos os nossos desígnios e planos, depondo sobre Ele toda a nossa solicitude, pois tem cuidado de nós. “Eu bem sei os pensamentos que penso de vós, diz o Senhor, pensamentos de paz, e não de mal, para vos dar o fim que esperais.” “Em vos converterdes, e em repousardes estaria a vossa salvação; no sossego e na confiança estaria a vossa força.” Jeremias 29:11; Isaías 30:15.

Se buscardes o Senhor e vos converterdes cada dia; se, por vossa própria escolha espiritual, fordes livres e ditosos em Deus; se, com satisfeito consentimento do coração a Seu gracioso convite, vierdes e tomardes o jugo de Cristo — o jugo da obediência e do serviço — todas as vossas murmurações emudecerão, remover-se-ão todas as vossas dificuldades, todos os desconcertantes problemas que ora vos defrontam se resolverão.

O Maior Discurso de Cristo, p. 100

The Laodicean Testimony - Gathering Behind Jesus.

"In Episode 203 we discuss the importance of not deviating to the left or the right of the path that Jesus trod. The Laodicean testimony is a personal message to each individual in the remnant church."


12,000 Baptized

What will be America's future according to Bible prophecy? In California, 12,000 people participated in the largest baptismal event in American history. What is the significance of this event? Could it hold prophetic implications? These questions are addressed and the complex topics of Revelation 13 simplified.


Breakdown of the Donald Trump Assassination Attempt

Erik Prince is an American entrepreneur, former U.S. Navy SEAL Officer and founder of the private military company Blackwater. Returning as a guest and fan favorite on SRS, Erik joins Shawn for an in-depth exploration of the recent assassination attempt on former President Donald J. Trump. Together, they delve into unresolved security and operational issues surrounding the tragic event, speculating on how the situation might evolve as new information emerges. Leveraging their backgrounds, Shawn and Erik offer distinctive perspectives rarely found in mainstream media coverage.

Catholic View on the Seventy-Week Prophecy: Unveiling Truth

"Which interpretation of Daniel 8 and 9 is correct? The seventy-week prophecy is confusing the world, so we are here to break it down and make it simple. ... different views of the seventy-week prophecy. In previous episodes, we've explored the Jewish perspective.This episode looks at the prophecy from the Catholic viewpoint, establishing key facts. Discover how the timeline of historical events, such as the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in 586 BC versus 421 BC, can significantly alter our understanding of prophecy.

We aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of end-time prophecy, by examining views from Jewish, Catholic, Evangelical, and SDA perspectives. It's crucial to understand these differing viewpoints to see how they align or conflict with the Bible. God gives us these messages of warning so that when we see prophecy fulfilled, we will turn to Him. The red heifer, the rapture, and the timeline of events from Daniel 8 and 9 are critical to understand. Don't miss our next episode on the Evangelical perspective!"