
The Promise of Restoration

Monday, December 24

Read Isaiah 11:1-10. What promise is given to Israel, and what does it say about the eternal dwelling place of the redeemed?

The Bible begins with the story of the Creation of the earth (Genesis 1, 2). It is a description of a beautiful and harmonious world entrusted to our first parents, Adam and Eve. A perfect world and home for the human race, whom God had created. The Bible’s last two chapters also speak of God’s creating a perfect and harmonious world for redeemed humanity (Revelation 21, 22), but this time it is more accurate to say re-creation, the restoration of the earth from the ravages of sin.

In many places the Bible declares that this eternal home of the redeemed will be a real place, not an imagined fantasy or dream. The redeemed will be able to see, hear, smell, touch, and feel a new experience, a new life. The prophecy of Isaiah 11 is a beautiful passage foretelling the coming of the Messiah, who will create a new era. He will end all violence and usher in an eternal peace. The reign of God on this new earth will establish universal harmony.

Read Revelation 21:1-5. What will disappear forever as a result of this new harmony?

Ellen White wrote of what awaits the redeemed: “As the years of eternity roll, they will bring richer and more glorious revelations of God and of Christ. As knowledge is progressive, so will love, reverence, and happiness increase. The more men learn of God, the greater will be their admiration of His character. As Jesus opens before them the riches of redemption and the amazing achievements in the great controversy with Satan, the hearts of the ransomed beat with a stronger devotion, and they sweep the harps of gold with a firmer hand: and ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands of voices unite to swell the mighty chorus of praise.” - Ellen G. White, The Story of Redemption, pp. 432, 433.

What are ways that we can understand even now the character of God? How does living in harmony and unity with others reveal even now something about the character and nature of God?